Provincial Outcome Matrices
See how the Kids in the Know program meets curricula outcomes across the country. Educators, please click on your province below.
- Alberta
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- Newfoundland & Labrador
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Alberta curriculum outcomes PDF
British Columbia & Yukon curriculum outcomes PDF
Manitoba curriculum outcomes PDF
New Brunswick curriculum outcomes PDF
Newfoundland & Labrador curriculum outcomes PDF
Northwest Territories curriculum outcomes PDF
Nova Scotia curriculum outcomes PDF
Nunavut curriculum outcomes PDF
Ontario curriculum outcomes PDF
Prince Edward Island curriculum outcomes PDF
Quebec curriculum outcomes PDF
Saskatchewan curriculum outcomes PDF
Outcome Matrices: Alberta
Based on Alberta Physical Education and Wellness Curriculum K–6 (2022), Programs of Study — Health and Life Skills Grades 7–9 (2002), and Career & Life Management — Senior High (2002)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Learning Outcome: Children investigate movement of the body.
- Understanding: Movement can help express ideas, feelings, and emotions.
Learning Outcome: Children describe personal characteristics and explore feelings and emotions.
- Understanding: Feelings can be personal or shared with others that are trustworthy.
- Understanding: Feelings and emotions can be identified, expressed, and described.
- Skills & Procedures: Express feelings in a variety of ways.
- Knowledge: People can experience a range of feelings and emotions [...]
- Understanding: All people experience feelings and emotions.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify strategies to recognize and respond to feelings and emotions in a variety of situations.
Learning Outcome: Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing environments.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss the impact healthy relationships have on personal feelings.
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
Learning Outcome: Children describe personal characteristics and explore feelings and emotions.
- Knowledge: Individuals can develop strategies to respond to feelings and emotions, such as by [...] asking for support.
- Knowledge: Support for feelings and emotions can come from a variety of sources [...]
- Understanding: Feelings can be personal or shared with others that are trustworthy.
Learning Outcome: Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing environments.
- Understanding: Healthy relationships support social-emotional well-being.
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
Learning Outcome: Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Understanding: Boundaries are guidelines that help to keep people safe.
Learning Outcome: Children identify physical growth.
- Understanding: Bodies are special and unique.
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
Learning Outcome: Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Understanding: Boundaries are guidelines that help keep people safe.
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Learning Outcome: Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Understanding: Boundaries are guidelines that help keep people safe.
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
Learning Outcome: Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Understanding: Boundaries are guidelines that help keep people safe.
- Understanding: Personal boundaries can be established through permission and refusal.
- Skills & Procedures: Indicate refusal verbally and non-verbally in a variety of contexts.
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
Learning Outcome: Children recognize boundaries in various situations.
- Understanding: Boundaries are guidelines that help keep people safe.
- Skills & Procedures: Indicate refusal verbally and non-verbally in a variety of contexts.
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Learning Outcome: Students examine personal characteristics, feelings, and emotions and explore understanding of self.
- Knowledge: Emotions show how an individual feels.
- Knowledge: People can experience a range of feelings and emotions [...]
- Understanding: Reactions to feelings can be identified and communicated to help people understand one another.
- Skills & Procedures: Recognize how emotions can be expressed.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify and communicate feelings in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are connected to behaviour.
- Knowledge: Awareness of the body’s reaction to emotion helps an individual to choose appropriate responses, such as [...] identifying feelings.
- Understanding: Feelings, the body, and the brain are interconnected.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify responses to emotions.
- Knowledge: Reflection and feedback on feelings and emotions can contribute to personal growth and learning.
- Understanding: An individual’s experiences can affect feelings and emotions.
- Understanding: Feelings and experiences can influence learning.
- Skills & Procedures: Reflect on feelings and emotions that result from personal experiences.
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Learning Outcome: Students explain how boundaries connect to safety.
- Understanding: When boundaries are crossed or disrespected, children can tell a trusted adult.
- Understanding: It is important to ask for help in situations that do not feel safe.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify trusted adults in the school and community who can support personal safety.
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
Learning Outcome: Students demonstrate fair play and support engagement in a variety of physical activities.
- Knowledge: Fair play practices include [...] respecting rules, taking turns.
Learning Outcome: Students explain how boundaries connect to safety.
- Knowledge: Boundaries can change in various situations [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss situations or reasons that might lead to a boundary change.
- Knowledge: Safety includes understanding the differences between situations that are safe and those that are unsafe or uncomfortable.
- Understanding: When boundaries are crossed or disrespected, children can tell a trusted adult.
- Understanding: It is important to ask for help in situations that do not feel safe.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify trusted adults in the school and community who can support personal safety.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe differences between safe situations and unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learning Outcome: Students explain how boundaries connect to safety.
- Understanding: Personal boundaries are connected to an individual’s body and personal space.
- Knowledge: Safety includes understanding the differences between situations that are safe and those that are unsafe or uncomfortable.
- Understanding: When boundaries are crossed or disrespected, children can tell a trusted adult.
- Understanding: It is important to ask for help in situations that do not feel safe.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify a trusted adult in the school and community who can support personal safety.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe differences between safe situations and unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify how boundaries might protect a person or a group of individuals.
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Learning Outcome: Students explain how boundaries connect to safety.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify trusted adults in the school and community who can support personal safety.
- Knowledge: Safety includes understanding the differences between situations that are safe and those that are unsafe or uncomfortable.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify how boundaries might protect a person or a group of individuals.
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Learning Outcome: Students examine personal characteristics, feelings, and emotions and explore understanding of self.
- Knowledge: Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are connected to behaviour.
- Knowledge: Awareness of the body’s reaction to emotion helps an individual to choose appropriate responses, such as [...] seeking out a supportive adult, identifying feelings.
- Knowledge: The body experiences responses to emotions, including fight, flight, or freeze.
- Understanding: Feelings, the body, and the brain are interconnected.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify responses to emotions.
- Understanding: An individual’s experiences can affect feelings and emotions.
- Skills & Procedures: Reflect on feelings and emotions that result from various personal experiences.
Learning Outcome: Students explain how boundaries connect to safety.
- Knowledge: Safety includes understanding the difference between situations that are safe and those that are unsafe or uncomfortable.
- Understanding: When boundaries are crossed or disrespected, children can tell a trusted adult.
- Understanding: It is important to ask for help in situations that do not feel safe.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify trusted adults in the school and community who can support personal safety.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe differences between safe situations and unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Learning Outcome: Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their connections to self-understanding.
- Knowledge: Self-regulation is effectively maintaining control over attention, thoughts, emotions, and behaviour in a variety of situations.
- Knowledge: Self-regulation strategies include [...] recognizing challenges and obstacles.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify signals that support self-regulation.
Learning Outcome: Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their connections to self-understanding.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss ways to respond in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Learning Outcome: Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their connections to self-understanding.
- Knowledge: A role is a specific position that someone holds in work, social, or relational contexts.
- Understanding: Roles have different responsibilities.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe and compare responsibilities connected with various roles.
Learning Outcome: Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.
- Understanding: Trusted adults in the school and community can support individuals in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss ways to respond in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
Learning Outcome: Students connect healthy relationships to a variety of learning and playing contexts.
- Knowledge: Community supports include [...]
- Understanding: Connections and supports within a community help to develop social-emotional well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify sources of support within the community to enhance well-being and relationships.
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Learning Outcome: Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.
- Knowledge: Safety strategies are developed for a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Safety strategies and procedures can be practised in a variety of ways.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise safety strategies and procedures in a variety of situations.
- Understanding: Trusted adults in the school and community can support individuals in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss ways to respond in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Classify situations that are safe and unsafe.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how safety can be improved in a variety of situations.
Learning Outcome: Students connect healthy relationships to a variety of learning and playing contexts.
- Knowledge: Community supports include [...]
- Understanding: Connections and supports within a community help to develop social-emotional well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify sources of support within the community to enhance well-being and relationships.
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Learning Outcome: Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.
- Knowledge: Safety strategies are developed for a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Safety strategies and procedures can be practised in a variety of ways.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise safety strategies and procedures in a variety of situations.
- Understanding: Trusted adults in the school and community can support individuals in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Classify situations that are safe and unsafe.
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Learning Outcome: Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.
- Knowledge: Decisions for safety include requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss ways to respond in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
- Knowledge: Situations and contexts may present different safety concerns.
- Understanding: Safety involves assessing for potential risk or injury by identifying safe and unsafe situations [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Classify situations that are safe and unsafe.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how safety can be improved in a variety of situations.
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learning Outcome: Students examine and apply personal safety in a variety of situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise safety strategies and procedures in a variety of situations.
- Understanding: Trusted adults in the school and community can support individuals in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss ways to respond in unsafe or uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Classify situations that are safe and unsafe.
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise permission and refusal skills in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Specific rules or guidelines can [...] protect safety of self and others.
- Knowledge: Resources that support personal safety include [...] safety networks.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify available resources that support safety.
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Learning Outcome: Students analyze different roles within varied contexts and examine how roles can support the development of talents, virtues, and resilience.
- Knowledge: Resilience includes the capacity to manage adversity or stress in effective ways.
- Understanding: The development of resilience is supported through understanding of emotions.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify emotions in a variety of situations.
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Learning Outcome: Students analyze different roles within varied contexts and examine how roles can support the development of talents, virtues, and resilience.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine the requirements, purposes, and expectations of a variety of roles and occupations.
- Skills & Procedures: Create a plan to identify self-regulation resources that can be accessed when needed.
- Knowledge: Resources that support personal safety include [...] safety networks.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify available resources that support safety.
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Learning Outcome: Students analyze different roles within varied contexts and examine how roles can support the development of talents, virtues, and resilience.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine the requirements, purposes, and expectations of a variety of roles and occupations.
- Knowledge: Resilience includes the capacity to manage adversity or stress in effective ways.
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health.
- Understanding: Consent is important for personal safety.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise permission and refusal skills in a variety of contexts.
- Skills & Procedures: Generate examples of situations where behaviours would be appropriate and others where they would involve risk.
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and describe how problem solving can affect healthy relationships.
- Knowledge: Characteristics of healthy relationships and friendships include [...]
- Knowledge: Friends can resolve conflicts by [...]
- Understanding: Problem solving and resolution can facilitate understanding and connections among people.
- Skills & Procedures: Generate solutions to problems in a variety of relationship contexts.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify respectful and positive interactions with others.
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health.
- Skills & Procedures: Generate examples of situations where behaviours would be appropriate and others where they would involve risk.
- Knowledge: Resources that support personal safety include [...] safety networks.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify available resources that support safety.
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise permission and refusal skills in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Specific rules or guidelines can [...] protect safety of self and others.
- Knowledge: Resources that support personal safety include [...] safety networks.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify available resources that support safety.
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Learning Outcome: Students investigate and explain safety and its correlation to health.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise permission and refusal skills in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Specific rules or guidelines can [...] protect safety of self and others.
- Skills & Procedures: Explain the function or purpose of specific rules or guidelines within various contexts.
- Knowledge: Resources that support personal safety include [...] safety networks.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify available resources that support safety.
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Learning Outcome: Students interpret how resilience and perseverance can be influenced by a variety of life experiences.
- Knowledge: Strategies that support resilience include [...] seeking positive role models.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that support resilience.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Responsibility includes making decisions to ensure self or others are not in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes the opportunity, ability, or right to act independently or make decisions.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe responsibility and its impact on personal and group safety in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Responsibility occurs in a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Responsibility includes an awareness of surroundings to determine the safety of a situation.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how responsibility can impact safety in a variety of situations.
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
Learning Outcome: Students interpret how resilience and perseverance can be influenced by a variety of life experiences.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that support resilience.
Learning Outcome: Students explore various areas of development.
- Knowledge: Social-emotional changes include [...] emotions, relationships.
- Skills & Procedures: Consider how to interact and respond to others in a variety of contexts and situations.
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
Learning Outcome: Students interpret how resilience and perseverance can be influenced by a variety of life experiences.
- Knowledge: Strategies that support resilience include [...] seeking positive role models.
- Understanding: Resilience is supported by development of perseverance over time.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that support resilience.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Responsibility occurs in a variety of contexts [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how responsibility can impact safety in a variety of situations.
Learning Outcome: Students reflect on resolution and explain connections to healthy relationships.
- Knowledge: Conflict resolution can occur using a variety of strategies, such as [...] creating a safe environment.
- Understanding: Resolution supports healthy relationships.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that can be used to support resolution to a problem, conflict, or challenge.
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Consent is critical to respecting the rights, feelings, and belongings of others.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes respecting the rights and feelings of others.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify situations where responsibility supports the rights and feelings of others.
Learning Outcome: Students reflect on resolution and explain connections to healthy relationships.
- Knowledge: Conflict resolution can occur using a variety of strategies, such as [...] creating a safe environment.
- Understanding: Resolution supports healthy relationships.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that can be used to support resolution to a problem, conflict, or challenge.
- Understanding: Resolution requires the sharing of multiple points of view.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss multiple points of view involved in a resolution.
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Responsibility includes making decisions to ensure self or others are not in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe responsibility and its impact on personal and group safety in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Responsibility occurs in a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Responsibility includes an awareness of surroundings to determine the safety of a situation.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how responsibility can impact safety in a variety of situations.
Learning Outcome: Students reflect on resolution and explain connections to healthy relationships.
- Knowledge: Conflict resolution can occur using a variety of strategies, such as [...] creating a safe environment.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe strategies that can be used to support resolution to a problem, conflict, or challenge.
- Understanding: Individuals have the right to live in healthy, safe, and bully-free environments.
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Responsibility includes making decisions to ensure self or others are not in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes the opportunity, ability, or right to act independently or make decisions.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe responsibility and its impact on personal and group safety in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Responsibility occurs in a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Responsibility includes an awareness of surroundings to determine the safety of a situation.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how responsibility can impact safety in a variety of situations.
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Learning Outcome: Students analyze and explain responsibility and how it can impact personal and group safety.
- Knowledge: Responsibility includes making decisions to ensure self or others are not in unsafe and uncomfortable situations.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes the opportunity, ability, or right to act independently or make decisions.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe responsibility and its impact on personal and group safety in a variety of contexts.
- Knowledge: Responsibility occurs in a variety of contexts [...]
- Understanding: Responsibility includes an awareness of surroundings to determine the safety of a situation.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how responsibility can impact safety in a variety of situations.
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify life experiences that have influenced thinking or behaviour.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Knowledge: Responsibility can be developed by taking on leadership roles to promote safety of self and others.
- Understanding: Personal roles and responsibilities include promoting the safety of self and others.
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify life experiences that have influenced thinking or behaviour.
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Knowledge: Perseverance can be supported by protective factors [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Identify protective factors that can support perseverance.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes ensuring the safety of self and others.
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify life experiences that have influenced thinking or behaviour.
- Knowledge: Perseverance can be supported by protective factors [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Identify protective factors that can support perseverance.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Knowledge: Responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another.
- Skills & Procedures: Reflect on how the results or consequences of personal actions and decisions can affect the well-being of self and others.
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Reflect on personal learning and development in a variety of experiences.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Understanding: Personal roles and responsibilities include promoting the safety of self and others.
Learning Outcome: Students acknowledge and connect perspectives of self and others through communication and listening skills.
- Skills & Procedures: Demonstrate respectful communication skills when working with others on tasks or challenges.
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify life experiences that have influenced thinking or behaviour.
- Knowledge: Perseverance can be supported by protective factors [...]
- Skills & Procedures: Identify protective factors that can support perseverance.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes ensuring the safety of self and others.
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify life experiences that have influenced thinking or behaviour.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Understanding: Personal roles and responsibilities include promoting the safety of self and others.
- Skills & Procedures: Describe situations where responsible leadership supports the safety and well-being of self and others.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes ensuring the safety of self and others.
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Learning Outcome: Students reflect and relate life experiences to perseverance and well-being.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how life experiences can shape understanding over time.
Learning Outcome: Students analyze responsibility and consider the impact on well-being.
- Understanding: Personal roles and responsibilities include promoting the safety of self and others.
- Understanding: Responsibility includes ensuring the safety of self and others.
- Skills & Procedures: Practise digital citizenship by being considerate of others.
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Knowledge: Risk is the overall assessment and identification of hazards related to personal safety and vulnerability.
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Understanding: Measured risks can be taken in stages and are more likely when individuals feel safe, respected, and trusted.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss how feelings associated with risk taking affect actions and decisions.
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss how feelings associated with risk taking affect actions and decisions.
Learning Outcome: Students consider and describe a variety of perspectives that support the development of healthy relationships.
- Understanding: Healthy relationships require consideration for different opinions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and needs.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine the connections between perspectives and social and emotional well-being.
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Learning Outcome: Students consider and describe a variety of perspectives that support the development of healthy relationships.
- Skills & Procedures: Demonstrate positive social behaviours to develop and maintain healthy relationships.
- Understanding: Healthy relationships require consideration for different opinions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and needs.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine how empathy toward others with different perspectives support healthy relationships.
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
Learning Outcome: Students consider and describe a variety of perspectives that support the development of healthy relationships.
- Understanding: Healthy relationships require consideration for different opinions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and needs.
- Skills & Procedures: Examine the connections between perspectives and social and emotional well-being.
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Knowledge: Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation.
- Knowledge: The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information.
- Understanding: Measured risks can be taken in stages and are more likely when individuals feel safe, respected, and trusted.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss how feelings associated with risk taking affect actions and decisions.
- Skills & Procedures: Explain how to deal with unwanted attention, communication, or images.
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Knowledge: Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation.
- Knowledge: The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information.
- Knowledge: Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada.
- Understanding: Safe online, digital technology, and social media practices can reduce risk.
- Skills & Procedures: Assess safety and vulnerability risks associated with use of digital technology.
- Skills & Procedures: Identify potential harms from online and social media use.
- Skills & Procedures: Explain how to deal with unwanted attention, communication, or images.
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
Learning Outcome: Students examine risk and identify the factors that influence action.
- Knowledge: Risk is the overall assessment and identification of hazards related to personal safety and vulnerability.
- Understanding: Measured risks can be taken in stages and are more likely when individuals feel safe, respected, and trusted.
- Skills & Procedures: Discuss how feelings associated with risk taking affect actions and decisions.
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
W–7.8 Analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical, emotional, social safety
R–7.1 Analyze how thinking patterns influence feelings; e.g., positive thinking, all or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, perfectionism
R–7.2 Analyze the need for short-term and long-term support for emotional concerns; e.g., family, friends, schools, professionals
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
R–7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors; e.g., change, loss, discrimination, rejection
W–7.8 Analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical, emotional, social safety
W–7.13 Examine the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behaviour
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
W–7.11 Identify characteristics of resiliency; e.g., problem-solving skills, positive self-esteem, social bonding
R–7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them; e.g., peer, opposite sex
R–7.7 Evaluate and personalize the effectiveness of various styles of conflict resolution; e.g., win/win, win/lose, lose/lose
L–7.3 Differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others
Lesson 4 – Friendship
W–7.7 Analyze the definition, effects and possible consequences of various forms of harassment
R–7.2 Analyze the need for short-term and long-term support for emotional concerns; e.g., family, friends, schools, professionals
R–7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors; e.g., change, loss, discrimination, rejection
R–7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them; e.g., peer, opposite sex
L–7.3 Differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others
Lesson 5 – Relationships
R–7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors; e.g., change, loss, discrimination, rejection
R–7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them; e.g., peer, opposite sex
L–7.3 Differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others
Lesson 6 – Online Record
W–7.7 Analyze the definition, effects and possible consequences of various forms of harassment
W–7.8 Analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical, emotional, social safety
W–7.11 Identify characteristics of resiliency; e.g., problem-solving skills, positive self-esteem, social bonding
R–7.6 Explore and evaluate the impact of media violence on relationships
L–7.3 Differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
W–7.10 Identify and examine potential sources of physical/emotional/social support
W–7.13 Examine the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behaviour
R–7.2 Analyze the need for short-term and long-term support for emotional concerns; e.g., family, friends, schools, professionals
R–7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors; e.g., change, loss, discrimination, rejection
R–7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them; e.g., peer, opposite sex
R–7.7 Evaluate and personalize the effectiveness of various styles of conflict resolution; e.g., win/win, win/lose, lose/lose
L–7.3 Differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
R–8.1 Describe characteristics of persistent negative feeling states; e.g., depression, mood disorders
R–8.3 Evaluate the relationship between risk management and stress management; e.g., managing risks effectively reduces stress, managing stress can reduce impulsive behaviours
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
W–8.1 Examine the relationship between choices and resulting consequences; e.g., how choosing to smoke affects how one looks, feels and performs
W–8.11 Identify and develop personal resiliency skills; e.g., planning skills, social competence
R–8.3 Evaluate the relationship between risk management and stress management; e.g., managing risks effectively reduces stress, managing stress can reduce impulsive behaviours
R–8.4 Analyze the effects of self-concept on personal communication
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
W–8.1 Examine the relationship between choices and resulting consequences; e.g., how choosing to smoke affects how one looks, feels and performs
W–8.11 Identify and develop personal resiliency skills; e.g., planning skills, social competence
R–8.5 Develop strategies for maintaining healthy relationships
R–8.6 Describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in relationships; e.g., integrity
R–8.7 Develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting peaceful relationships; e.g., find common ground in conflicts
L–8.3 Identify components of ethical decision making, and apply these concepts to personal decision making
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
W–8.7 Determine the signs, methods and consequences of various types of abuse; e.g., neglect, physical, emotional, sexual abuse
W–8.12 Identify and describe the responsibilities and consequences associated with involvement in a sexual relationship
R–8.5 Develop strategies for maintaining healthy relationships
R–8.6 Describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in relationships; e.g., integrity
R–8.7 Develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting peaceful relationships; e.g., find common ground in conflicts
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
W–8.1 Examine the relationship between choices and resulting consequences; e.g., how choosing to smoke affects how one looks, feels and performs
W–8.12 Identify and describe the responsibilities and consequences associated with involvement in a sexual relationship
R–8.6 Describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in relationships; e.g., integrity
R–8.8 Describe and explain the positive and negative aspects of conformity and dissent as they relate to individuals in a group or on a team
L–8.3 Identify components of ethical decision making, and apply these concepts to personal decision making
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
W–9.7 Evaluate implications and consequences of sexual assault on a victim and those associated with that victim
W–9.8 Develop strategies to promote harm reduction/risk management; e.g., differentiate between choosing personal challenges or acting impulsively, encourage others to evaluate risks
W–9.9 Analyze and evaluate laws and policies that promote personal, community and workplace safety; e.g., driving, boating, employment standards
W–9.10 Assess the quality and reliability of health information provided by different sources; e.g., on the Internet
W–9.11 Use personal resiliency skills; e.g., seek out appropriate mentors, have a sense of purpose, have clear standards for personal behaviour
W–9.12 Determine “safer” sex practices; e.g., communicate with partner, maintain abstinence, limit partners, access/use condoms/contraceptives properly
W–9.14 Develop strategies that address factors to prevent or reduce sexual risk; e.g., abstain from drugs and alcohol, date in groups, use assertive behaviour
R–9.1 Identify appropriate strategies to foster positive feelings/attitudes
R–9.2 Analyze why individuals choose not to express or manage feelings in situations; e.g., using anger to manipulate others, avoid others, feel powerful
R–9.3 Analyze, evaluate and refine personal strategies for managing stress/crises
R–9.4 Analyze, evaluate and refine personal communication patterns
R–9.5 Describe and analyze factors that contribute to the development of unhealthy relationships, and develop strategies to deal with unhealthy relationships
R–9.6 Model integrity and honesty in accordance with ethical principles; e.g., develop strategies to behave in an ethical manner
R–9.7 Refine personal conflict management skills; e.g., negotiation, mediation strategies
R–9.8 Analyze skills required to maintain individuality within a group; e.g., self-respect, assertiveness, refusal skills
L–9.3 use decision-making skills to select appropriate risk-taking activities for personal growth and empowerment; e.g., increasing freedom means increased responsibility for consequences of choices
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
P4. Develop approaches/tactics for creative problem solving and decision making
P7. Analyze a variety of strategies to achieve and enhance emotional and spiritual well-being
P9. Demonstrate and apply effective communication, conflict resolution and team-building skills
P10. Examine various attitudes, values and behaviours for developing meaningful interpersonal relationships
P11. Examine the relationship between commitment and intimacy in all its levels
P12. Examine aspects of healthy sexuality and responsible sexual behaviour
P14. Evaluate resources and support systems for each dimension of health and well-being for self and others
Outcome Matrices: British Columbia and Yukon
Based on British Columbia Physical and Health Education Curricular Competencies and Content (2016)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Identify and describe feelings and worries
- Emotions and their causes and effects
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
- Names for parts of the body, including male and female private parts
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
- How to participate in different types of physical activities, including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and games
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
Curricular Competencies:
- Healthy and active living — Identify opportunities to make choices that contribute to health and well-being
- Social and community health — Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Practices that promote health and well-being
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
Curricular Competencies:
- Healthy and active living — Identify opportunities to make choices that contribute to health and well-being
- Social and community health — Identify and describe a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Practices that promote health and well-being
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Identify and describe feelings and worries
- Mental well-being — Identify and describe practices that promote mental well-being
- Emotions and their causes and effects
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families
- Social and community health — Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and or uncomfortable situations
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Lesson 3 – Boundaries – How to be Safe
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and or uncomfortable situations
- Social and community health — Develop and demonstrate respectful behaviour when participating in activities with others
- Appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and or uncomfortable situations
- Appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and or uncomfortable situations
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and or uncomfortable situations
- Hazards and potentially unsafe situations
- Caring behaviours in groups and families
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Identify and describe feelings and worries, and strategies for dealing with them
- Managing and expressing emotions
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe characteristics of positive relationships
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies for accessing health information
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Social and community health — Develop and demonstrate respectful behaviour when participating in activities with others
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe characteristics of positive relationships
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health: Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe physical, emotional, and social changes as students grow older
- Mental well-being — Identify and apply strategies that promote mental well-being
- Mental well-being — Describe factors that influence mental well-being and self-identity
- Relationship between worries and fears
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
- Strategies for accessing health information
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
- Nature and consequences of bullying
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health: Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health: Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health: Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Nature and consequences of bullying
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being
- Mental well-being — Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty
- Mental well-being — Describe factors that positively influence mental well-being and self-identity
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations
- strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Mental well-being — Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Sources of health information and support services
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
Curricular Competencies:
- Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Sources of health information and support services
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Sources of health information and support services
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Mental well-being — Explore and describe strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Social and community health — Explore strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Explore strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
- Mental well-being — Create and assess strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
- Signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Mental well-being — Create and assess strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
- Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
Lesson 6 – Online Record
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
- Sources of health information
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
- Signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression
- Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
Curricular Competencies:
- Mental well-being — Create and assess strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
- Mental well-being — Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Sources of health information
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships
- Social and community health — Create strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community
- Mental well-being — Create and evaluate strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
- Mental well-being — Explore and describe factors that shape personal identities, including social and cultural factors
- Healthy sexual decision making
- Sources of health information
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
- Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Curricular Competencies:
- Social and community health — Propose strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations
- Social and community health — Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
- Social and community health — Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict
- Social and community health — Analyze the potential effects of social influences on health
- Mental well-being — Evaluate and explain strategies for promoting mental well-being
- Mental well-being — Create and evaluate strategies for managing physical, emotional, and social changes during puberty and adolescence
- Mental well-being — Explore and describe factors that shape personal identities, including social and cultural factors
- Healthy sexual decision making
- Sources of health information
- Basic principles for responding to emergencies
- Strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings
- Consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination
- Influences of physical, emotional, and social changes on identities and relationships
Outcome Matrices: Manitoba
Based on the Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
K.4.K.C.1a Identify a range of feelings and emotions (i.e., happy, sad, angry, scared, surprised, anxious, excited) in a range of contexts (e.g., in new places, big spaces, dark spaces, while sharing, during physical activities, holidays, birthdays, during agreements or disagreements...)
K.4.K.C.1b Recognize ways emotions are expressed by others (e.g., laughter, teary-eyed, smile, frown, body language...)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
K.4.K.B.4 Recognize appropriate response (e.g., avoid the danger, do not touch, seek out safe adult help, say “no” assertively...) in potentially dangerous situations
K.3.K.B.4 Recognize safety helpers in the community (e.g., parent/guardian, family member, babysitter, teacher, principal, doctor, police officer, bus driver, block parent, lifeguard...)
K.4.K.C.4a Identify the people (e.g., parents, siblings, teachers, block parent, religious leader...) who can provide support in stressful situations
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
K.5.K.E.1a Identify the major parts of the body by their appropriate names (e.g., head, arms, shoulder, elbows, wrists, fingers, thumbs, legs, knees, ankles, feet, toes, chest, waist, hips, penis, vagina, breasts...)
K.4.K.A.1 Identify characteristics that describe self as special and unique (e.g., physical characteristics, abilities, gender...)
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
K.4.K.B.4 Recognize appropriate response (e.g., avoid the danger, do not touch, seek out safe adult help, say “no” assertively...) in potentially dangerous situations
K.5.K.E.3a Show the understanding that people have a right to privacy (e.g., in reading corners, time-out zones, washrooms...)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
K.4.K.B.2b Identify activities that friends do together (e.g., communicate with each other, play games, share toys...)
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
K.3.K.B.4 Recognize safety helpers in the community (e.g., parent/guardian, family member, babysitter, teacher, principal, doctor, police officer, bus driver, block parent, lifeguard...)
K.4.K.C.4a Identify the people (e.g., parents, siblings, teachers, block parent, religious leader...) who can provide support in stressful situations
K.4.K.B.4 Recognize appropriate response (e.g., avoid the danger, do not touch, seek out safe adult help, say “no” assertively...) in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
K.4.K.C.4a Identify the people (e.g., parents, siblings, teachers, block parent, religious leader...) who can provide support in stressful situations
K.3.K.B.4 Recognize safety helpers in the community (e.g., parent/guardian, family member, babysitter, teacher, principal, doctor, police officer, bus driver, block parent, lifeguard...)
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
K.4.1.B.1b Discuss how feelings and experiences associated with participation in physical activities/sports, and/or social events can be the same or different from person to person (e.g., may feel excited, happy, angry, fearful, uncomfortable, frustrated)
K.4.1.B.3a Identify what can happen when someone becomes angry (e.g., red face, tense muscles, loud voice, physical aggression...) and healthy ways to deal with anger (e.g., take time to think about it, talk to the person who made you angry, ask an adult for help, go for a supervised walk/run...)
K.4.1.B.2a Identify different ways (e.g., not interrupting, waiting for appropriate time, not hurting feelings of others, asking for a time out, avoiding tantrums...) of expressing feelings and emotions that contribute to getting along with others
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
K.3.1.B.4 Recognize community helpers (e.g., safe adult, police officer, bus driver, teacher, block parent, babysitter...) and how to seek help (e.g., know emergency telephone numbers, ask a safe adult or teenager for help, use a telephone, dial emergency telephone number, report what happened...)
Lesson 3 – Boundaries – How to be Safe
K.4.1.B.4 Identify ways to exercise caution, avoidance, and/or refusal (e.g., look for danger symbol on labels, ask safe adult for help, say “no” and walk away...) in potentially dangerous situations
K.3.1.B.5a Identify types of physical and verbal violence (e.g., hitting, bullying, biting, kicking, name calling...)
K.3.1.B.6a Identify unsafe situations (e.g., involves sexual exploitation, unsafe persons, unsafe Internet sites...) and safety rules for child protection (e.g., follow parents’ advice, never agree to go anywhere with a stranger, avoid walking alone, recognize and avoid enticements...)
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
K.3.1.B.6a Identify unsafe situations (e.g., involves sexual exploitation, unsafe persons, unsafe Internet sites...) and safety rules for child protection (e.g., follow parents’ advice, never agree to go anywhere with a stranger, avoid walking alone, recognize and avoid enticements...)
K.3.1.B.4 Recognize community helpers (e.g., safe adult, police officer, bus driver, teacher, block parent, babysitter...) and how to seek help (e.g., know emergency telephone numbers, ask a safe adult or teenager for help, use a telephone, dial emergency telephone number, report what happened...)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
K.3.1.B.5b Discuss ways to be safe away from home (e.g., stay away from unsafe situations, move quickly away from dangerous situations, ask for help, know your parents’ telephone numbers...)
K.3.1.B.6a Identify unsafe situations (e.g., involves sexual exploitation, unsafe persons, unsafe Internet sites...) and safety rules for child protection (e.g., follow parents’ advice, never agree to go anywhere with a stranger, avoid walking alone, recognize and avoid enticements...)
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
K.3.1.B.6a Identify unsafe situations (e.g., involves sexual exploitation, unsafe persons, unsafe Internet sites...) and safety rules for child protection (e.g., follow parents’ advice, never agree to go anywhere with a stranger, avoid walking alone, recognize and avoid enticements...)
K.4.1.B.3c Identify ways (e.g., be calm, seek adult help, take turns, follow rules, apologize...) to avoid or reduce potential conflict situations (i.e., in class, at play)
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
K.4.2.C.1a Identify appropriate ways for sharing and expressing feelings and emotions related to different situations (e.g., cooperative-type activities, competitive-type activities, at home, in public...)
K.4.2.C.1b Discuss ways (e.g., show empathy when others are suffering, help others rather than hurt or neglect, respect rather than belittle, support and protect rather than dominate or ignore...) to communicate with someone who is feeling different emotions (e.g., sad, happy, hurt, angry...)
K.5.2.E.2a Describe how human beings express their emotions for people about whom they care (e.g., showing love and affection by caring, sharing, being kind and gentle, speaking affectionately, hugging, kissing...)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
K.4.2.C.1a Identify appropriate ways for sharing and expressing feelings and emotions related to different situations (e.g., cooperative-type activities, competitive type activities, at home, in public...)
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
K.3.2.A.1 Recognize the importance of practising safe behaviours (e.g., following directions, performing within own limits, understanding safety rules for using large equipment...) alone and/or with others
K.3.2.A.4 Show an understanding of general and specific safety guidelines and behaviours (e.g., change-room routines, appropriate permitted heights on climbing frame, carrying heavy equipment such as benches, size of equipment...) that are appropriate for own age and ability
K.3.2.B.1 Identify safety rules to be followed related to the home, school, and community (i.e., road, vehicles such as tractors and boats, bus ridership, electricity, weather, seasons, stairs/balconies, tools, Internet use)
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
K.3.2.B.1 Identify safety rules to be followed related to the home, school, and community (i.e., road, vehicles such as tractors and boats, bus ridership, electricity, weather, seasons, stairs/balconies, tools, Internet use)
K.3.2.A.4 Show an understanding of general and specific safety guidelines and behaviours (e.g., change-room routines, appropriate permitted heights on climbing frame, carrying heavy equipment such as benches, size of equipment...) that are appropriate for own age and ability
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
S.4.2.A.3 Demonstrate appropriate behaviours for getting along with others (e.g., wait for one’s turn, share equipment, help others, invite others to play, show respect for individual differences...) in partner activities
K.5.2.E.2a Describe how human beings express their emotions for people about whom they care (e.g., showing love and affection by caring, sharing, being kind and gentle, speaking affectionately, hugging, kissing...)
K.5.1.E.3c Discuss the responsibilities (e.g., respect private spaces and private parts...) associated with gender differences
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
K.4.2.B.1a Identify responsible and respectful behaviours (e.g., following directions, completing tasks, being honest, displaying etiquette, playing fairly, cooperating, sharing, keeping promises, speaking kindly...) for developing positive relationships
K.4.2.B.2a Identify positive communication skills (e.g., focus on speaker, repeat back information, use appropriate body language, ask relevant questions, include everyone, disagree politely, show self-control, take turns, work cooperatively...) for listening with attention in small group settings
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
K.3.3.B.5b Identify strategies (e.g., say no assertively, seek adult help, choose good friends, follow safe routes home, communicate whereabouts, get away/stay away, conflict resolution skills...) to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
K.3.3.B.6a Identify ways to avoid dangerous and/or inappropriate situations for self and/or others in a variety of contexts (e.g., unwanted touching of the private parts, sex-related Internet sites and exploitative advertisements...)
Lesson 2 – Emotions
K.4.3.B.2a Identify appropriate and inappropriate ways (e.g., talking/crying, calm voice/loud voice, acceptable language/offensive language, cheering/booing...) of communicating emotions
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
K.3.3.B.4 Recognize roles of individuals in school and community who provide safety services (e.g., school staff, cross-walk patrols, police, block parents, firefighters, doctors, nurses, elders, ski patrols, snowmobile patrols, forest rangers, coast guards...)
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
K.3.3.B.5b Identify strategies (e.g., say no assertively, seek adult help, choose good friends, follow safe routes home, communicate whereabouts, get away/stay away, conflict resolution skills...) to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
K.4.3.B.4 Recognize verbal and non-verbal behaviours associated with assertiveness (e.g., saying “no” with a firm voice...)
Lesson 5 – Friendship
K.4.3.A.1 Identify the importance of showing consideration for self and others, and for individual differences (i.e., language, ideas, abilities, physical characteristics)
K.4.3.B.1a Describe the behaviours (e.g., accepting everyone into the group, inviting others to play or participate, no put-downs, recognizing feelings of others...) that show respect for the abilities and feelings of others
K.4.3.B.2b Recognize the importance (e.g., feeling of belonging, affiliation, learn from each other...) of friends and groups that are safe and dependable
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
K.3.3.B.5b Identify strategies (e.g., say no assertively, seek adult help, choose good friends, follow safe routes home, communicate whereabouts, get away/stay away, conflict resolution skills...) to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
K.3.3.B.6a Identify ways to avoid dangerous and/or inappropriate situations for self and/or others in a variety of contexts (e.g., unwanted touching of the private parts, sex-related Internet sites and exploitative advertisements...)
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
K.3.3.B.6a Identify ways to avoid dangerous and/or inappropriate situations for self and/or others in a variety of contexts (e.g., unwanted touching of the private parts, sex-related Internet sites and exploitative advertisements...)
K.3.3.B.5b Identify strategies (e.g., say no assertively, seek adult help, choose good friends, follow safe routes home, communicate whereabouts, get away/stay away, conflict resolution skills...) to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
K.4.4.C.1a Identify characteristics of and/or behaviours associated with different emotions (e.g., fear, helplessness, anger, affection, excitement, frustration, disappointment, enthusiasm...) in self and/or others
K.4.4.B.2a Identify positive communication skills (e.g., encouraging remarks, using appropriate etiquette, using appropriate body language...) and behaviours (i.e., fair play code of conduct) for getting along with others in competitive situations (i.e., as a participant, player, or spectator)
S.4.4.A.5 Demonstrate use of stress management strategies (e.g., talking to supportive others, using guided imagery to visualize positive outcomes, using positive self-talk, going for recess or family walk...) by oneself and/or with others in a variety of contexts (e.g., discussion groups, sharing circle, games...)
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
K.4.4.C.1a Identify characteristics of and/or behaviours associated with different emotions (e.g., fear, helplessness, anger, affection, excitement, frustration, disappointment, enthusiasm...) in self and/or others
K.4.4.C.1b Identify different strategies (e.g., talk with family, supportive friends, religious leader...) for coping with loss and grief
K.4.4.C.2 Recognize that people have different reactions (e.g., excitement, fear, motivation, inhibition...) to stressors
K.4.4.C.3 Identify the physical responses the body may experience as a result of stress (e.g., heart-rate increase, blushing, muscles tighten, pupils of eyes widen, knots in stomach, butterflies, dry mouth...)
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
K.4.4.C.1b Identify different strategies (e.g., talk with family, supportive friends, religious leader...) for coping with loss and grief
S.4.4.A.5 Demonstrate use of stress management strategies (e.g., talking to supportive others, using guided imagery to visualize positive outcomes, using positive self-talk, going for recess or family walk...) by oneself and/or with others in a variety of contexts (e.g., discussion groups, sharing circle, games...)
K.3.4.B.4 Recognize roles of individuals in school and community who provide safety services (e.g., school staff, cross-walk patrols, police officers, block parents, firefighters, doctors, nurses, elders, ski patrols, snowmobile patrols, forest rangers, coast guards...)
Lesson 4 – Friendship
K.4.4.B.1a Identify appropriate social behaviours (e.g., speaking kindly, acknowledging others’ ideas and opinions, offering to help...) toward others in small-group situations
K.4.4.B.2a Identify positive communication skills (e.g., encouraging remarks, using appropriate etiquette, using appropriate body language...) and behaviours (i.e., fair play code of conduct) for getting along with others in competitive situations (i.e., as a participant, player, or spectator)
K.4.4.B.2b Identify ways (e.g., assign and accept responsibility for roles in an activity, celebrate successes of self and others, say please/thank you...) to get along with others in cooperative/collaborative situations
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
K.4.4.A.3 Identify the steps of the decision making/problem-solving process with an emphasis on the final steps (e.g., making the decision, taking action, evaluating results...)
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
K.4.4.A.3 Identify the steps of the decision making/problem-solving process with an emphasis on the final steps (e.g., making the decision, taking action, evaluating results...)
K.4.4.C.4a Identify the stress management skills (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, positive thinking, guided imagery, use of humour, talking with others...) that may be useful in coping with stress
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
S.3.4.A.1 Follow set rules and routines for safe participation and use of equipment in selected specific physical activities (e.g., fair play rules, change room routines, equipment distribution, sharing space...)
K.4.4.C.4a Identify the stress management skills (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, positive thinking, guided imagery, use of humour, talking with others...) that may be useful in coping with stress
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
K.4.5.A.3 Identify the influence of self (e.g., personal goals, emotions...) and others (e.g., expectations of family, teachers and friends; values and beliefs of home, religion, culture, community, society in general...) on setting priorities and making responsible personal decisions (e.g., academic achievement, leisure activities...)
Lesson 2 – Emotions
K.4.5.A.3 Identify the influence of self (e.g., personal goals, emotions...) and others (e.g., expectations of family, teachers and friends; values and beliefs of home, religion, culture, community, society in general...) on setting priorities and making responsible personal decisions (e.g., academic achievement, leisure activities...)
K.4.5.B.1a Describe behaviours (e.g., listen without interrupting, avoid ridicule or teasing, use inclusive language and actions...) that show respect for the rights and feelings of others
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
K.3.5.B.4 Identify available community supports that promote safety and community health (e.g., helplines, dentists, doctors, nurses, police officers, social workers, security guards, lifeguards, natural healing modalities, physiotherapists, block parents...)
K.3.5.B.5b Describe safety guidelines (e.g., play in supervised areas, follow code of conduct...) and the use of strategies (i.e., conflict resolution skills) to deal with bullies and harassment in a variety of situations (e.g., classroom, sports, playground...)
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
K.4.5.B.2a Review verbal and non-verbal behaviours that help (e.g., listening, keeping secrets, smiling...) and hinder (e.g., betraying loyalty, making fun of, not listening, interrupting, using inappropriate body language...) communication for building positive relationships
K.4.5.B.2b Identify qualities (e.g., honesty, support, reliability, common interests, loyalty, fairness...) that are important in establishing and maintaining a friendship
Lesson 5 – Friendship
K.4.5.B.2a Review verbal and non-verbal behaviours that help (e.g., listening, keeping secrets, smiling...) and hinder (e.g., betraying loyalty, making fun of, not listening, interrupting, using inappropriate body language...) communication for building positive relationships
K.4.5.B.2b Identify qualities (e.g., honesty, support, reliability, common interests, loyalty, fairness...) that are important in establishing and maintaining a friendship
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
K.3.5.B.5b Describe safety guidelines (e.g., play in supervised areas, follow code of conduct...) and the use of strategies (i.e., conflict resolution skills) to deal with bullies and harassment in a variety of situations (e.g., classroom, sports, playground...)
K.3.5.B.6a Identify safety guidelines to protect self and others in potentially sexually abusive situations (e.g., exploitative behaviour; sex-related Internet sites, television, and videos; flashers; secluded places; alone on streets late at nights...)
K.3.5.B.6b Describe indicators of abusive relationships (e.g., behaviours that are threatening, harassing, secretive, or cause physical and/or mental injury, pain, or discomfort...)
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
K.3.5.B.6a Identify safety guidelines to protect self and others in potentially sexually abusive situations (e.g., exploitative behaviour; sex-related Internet sites, television, and videos; flashers; secluded places; alone on streets late at nights...)
K.3.5.B.5b Describe safety guidelines (e.g., play in supervised areas, follow code of conduct...) and the use of strategies (i.e., conflict resolution skills) to deal with bullies and harassment in a variety of situations (e.g., classroom, sports, playground...)
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
K.3.5.B.6a Identify safety guidelines to protect self and others in potentially sexually abusive situations (e.g., exploitative behaviour; sex-related Internet sites, television, and videos; flashers; secluded places; alone on streets late at nights...)
K.3.5.B.4 Identify available community supports that promote safety and community health (e.g., helplines, dentists, doctors, nurses, police officers, social workers, security guards, lifeguards, natural healing modalities, physiotherapists, block parents...)
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
K.4.6.A.3 Describe how personal factors (e.g., emotions, time, previous experience, prior knowledge, personal goals, abilities, religion...) and social factors (e.g., peers, friends, trends, society, culture, media, advertising...) influence making responsible and health-enhancing decisions (e.g., participating in daily physical activity...)
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
K.4.6.C.1a Determine strategies for sharing and expressing feelings in appropriate ways (e.g., talking out conflicts with safe adult assistance, using self-statements or self-talk for control, using active listening, participating in physical activities...)
K.4.6.C.1b Recognize the range of emotions that may be experienced when loss occurs, including the stages of grief (e.g., denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, depression, acceptance...) and where to go for help (e.g., family, teacher)
K.4.6.C.2 Identify the personality traits (e.g., sense of humour, adaptability, patience, understanding...) that are conducive to handling stress and showing resiliency (i.e., ability to bounce back in stressful situation)
K.4.6.C.3 Describe the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) relating to stress and the body's response at the various stages (i.e., alarm stage, resistance stage, exhaustion stage).
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
K.3.6.B.4 Describe ways to seek help related to different types of accidents and/or dangerous situations (i.e., situations involving vehicles, bicycles, water, fire, choking, thin ice, violence, shaken baby syndrome, babysitting)
K.3.6.B.1 Describe safe and unsafe situations at home, at school, and in the community while caring for self and others (i.e., playgrounds, babysitting, Internet use, shaken baby syndrome)
Lesson 4 – Relationships
K.4.6.C.2 Identify the personality traits (e.g., sense of humour, adaptability, patience, understanding...) that are conducive to handling stress and showing resiliency (i.e., ability to bounce back in stressful situation)
S.4.6.A.3 Demonstrate functional use of interpersonal skills (e.g., fair play, use of inclusive language and actions...) for inclusion of others in different types of physical activities (e.g., low competitive, cooperative, multicultural...)
Lesson 5 – Boundaries and Instincts
K.4.6.C.2 Identify the personality traits (e.g., sense of humour, adaptability, patience, understanding...) that are conducive to handling stress and showing resiliency (i.e., ability to bounce back in stressful situation)
S.4.6.A.3 Demonstrate functional use of interpersonal skills (e.g., fair play, use of inclusive language and actions...) for inclusion of others in different types of physical activities (e.g., low competitive, cooperative, multicultural...)
S.4.6.A.5 Demonstrate the functional use of stress management strategies (e.g., using self-statements or positive self-talk, talking with others, taking timeouts, counting to 10, focusing, breathing deeply...) for managing stress in case scenarios related to a variety of situations (e.g., competition, anger, tests, public speaking, conflict, change, failure...)
S.4.6.A.2 Determine positive and negative consequences of possible solutions as part of the decision-making/problem-solving process for making healthy living choices
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
K.3.6.B.1 Describe safe and unsafe situations at home, at school, and in the community while caring for self and others (i.e., playgrounds, babysitting, Internet use, shaken baby syndrome)
K.3.6.B.4 Describe ways to seek help related to different types of accidents and/or dangerous situations (i.e., situations involving vehicles, bicycles, water, fire, choking, thin ice, violence, shaken baby syndrome, babysitting)
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
K.4.6.B.1a Identify the influences (e.g., family beliefs/values, role models, peers, advertising, television, movies...) that help or hinder responsible, social decision-making (e.g., choosing friends, choosing activities, communicating with others...)
K.4.6.B.1b Recognize personal participation and responsibility (e.g., respect for and acceptance of individual differences, awareness of social norms and values, concern and compassion for others, cooperation, motivation to solve interpersonal problems...) in different social contexts
K.3.6.B.1 Describe safe and unsafe situations at home, at school, and in the community while caring for self and others (i.e., playgrounds, babysitting, Internet use, shaken baby syndrome)
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
K.3.6.B.1 Describe safe and unsafe situations at home, at school, and in the community while caring for self and others (i.e., playgrounds, babysitting, Internet use, shaken baby syndrome)
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
K.4.7.A.1 Compare attitudes and behaviours (i.e., inclusive/exclusive, positive acceptance/rejection, open/discriminatory) that contribute to a sense of belonging
K.4.7.B.1a Identify socially acceptable behaviours (e.g., keep an open mind, show a willingness to try, recognize own feelings and emotions, step away from the situation if feeling anger...) for dealing with new situations and/or change (e.g., participating in new activities, choosing friends...)
K.4.7.B.3a Identify anger-management skills (e.g., use self-statements, participate in physical activities, write letters to express feelings...) as alternatives to aggression and violence.
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
K.3.7.B.5a Describe scenarios that illustrate examples of physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive behaviours in different relationships (i.e., within families, between friends, among peers, with employers, groups, gangs, on sports teams, when babysitting).
K.3.7.B.6a Establish safety guidelines to protect self and others from sexually abusive situations (e.g., pornography, incest, stalking, prostitution, sexual assault...).
K.4.7.B.4 Describe appropriate use (e.g., saying "no" to negative peer pressure, differentiating between situations where assertiveness is/isn't warranted...) of avoidance/refusal strategies when dealing with potentially dangerous situations and/or stressful social situations.
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
K.3.7.B.5b Develop strategies (e.g., conflict-resolution skills...) for avoiding situations (e.g., conflict between parents' and peer values, with the law, in competition, within school...) that can potentially lead to conflict and violence.
K.3.7.B.6a Establish safety guidelines to protect self and others from sexually abusive situations (e.g., pornography, incest, stalking, prostitution, sexual assault...).
K.3.7.B.1 Describe ways to respond to dangerous situations in the community (i.e., school intruders, home invasion, hazing, Internet use).
S.4.7.A.4 Apply conflict-resolution strategies (e.g., role-play responses to conflict situations, participate in peer mediation...) to different scenarios (e.g., engaging with new classmates, moving to a new classroom, saying "no" to negative peer-group influence...).
Lesson 4 – Friendship
K.3.7.B.5a Describe scenarios that illustrate examples of physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive behaviours in different relationships (i.e., within families, between friends, among peers, with employers, groups, gangs, on sports teams, when babysitting).
K.4.7.A.1 Compare attitudes and behaviours (i.e., inclusive/exclusive, positive acceptance/rejection, open/discriminatory) that contribute to a sense of belonging
K.4.7.B.1a Identify socially acceptable behaviours (e.g., keep an open mind, show a willingness to try, recognize own feelings and emotions, step away from the situation if feeling anger...) for dealing with new situations and/or change (e.g., participating in new activities, choosing friends...)
K.4.7.B.3c Review strategies (e.g., mediation, conflict resolution...), possible outcomes (i.e., win/win, win/lose, lose/win, lose/lose), and behaviours (e.g., compromising, negotiating, accommodating, blaming, avoiding, collaborating, consensus building...) for conflict resolution among friends and/or peers.
Lesson 5 – Relationships
K.3.7.B.5a Describe scenarios that illustrate examples of physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive behaviours in different relationships (i.e., within families, between friends, among peers, with employers, groups, gangs, on sports teams, when babysitting).
K.4.7.B.1a Identify socially acceptable behaviours (e.g., keep an open mind, show a willingness to try, recognize own feelings and emotions, step away from the situation if feeling anger...) for dealing with new situations and/or change (e.g., participating in new activities, choosing friends...)
K.4.7.B.4 Describe appropriate use (e.g., saying "no" to negative peer pressure, differentiating between situations where assertiveness is/isn't warranted...) of avoidance/refusal strategies when dealing with potentially dangerous situations and/or stressful social situations.
Lesson 6 – Online Record
K.3.7.B.1 Describe ways to respond to dangerous situations in the community (i.e., school intruders, home invasion, hazing, Internet use).
K.3.7.B.6a Establish safety guidelines to protect self and others from sexually abusive situations (e.g., pornography, incest, stalking, prostitution, sexual assault...).
K.4.7.B.4 Describe appropriate use (e.g., saying "no" to negative peer pressure, differentiating between situations where assertiveness is/isn't warranted...) of avoidance/refusal strategies when dealing with potentially dangerous situations and/or stressful social situations.
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
K.3.7.B.1 Describe ways to respond to dangerous situations in the community (i.e., school intruders, home invasion, hazing, Internet use).
K.3.7.B.4 Describe ways to seek help related to different types of accidents and/or dangerous situations (i.e., situations involving vehicles, bicycles, water, fire, choking, thin ice, violence, shaken baby syndrome, babysitting).
K.3.7.B.5a Describe scenarios that illustrate examples of physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive behaviours in different relationships (i.e., within families, between friends, among peers, with employers, groups, gangs, on sports teams, when babysitting).
K.3.7.B.5b Develop strategies (e.g., conflict-resolution skills...) for avoiding situations (e.g., conflict between parents' and peer values, with the law, in competition, within school...) that can potentially lead to conflict and violence.
K.3.7.B.6b Demonstrate an understanding of skills (i.e., problem solving, conflict resolution, communication, assertiveness, anger management skills) in dealing with case scenarios related to sexually abusive situations and ways to seek help.
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
K.4.8.B.2a Describe examples of assertive behaviours (e.g., saying no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable, including others who are left out...) for resisting negative peer pressure
K.4.8.C.2 Explain how stress may have positive or negative consequences (e.g., fight or flight, productivity, illness...)
K.4.8.A.2a Develop self-monitoring strategies (e.g., keep a journal, participate with a friend...) and criteria (e.g., believable, achievable, controllable, within timelines... ) in setting individual and/or group goals.
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
K.4.8.C.2 Explain how stress may have positive or negative consequences (e.g., fight or flight, productivity, illness...).
K.4.8.C.3 Examine the effects of stress (e.g., increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate, muscle soreness, nausea...) and relaxation (e.g., low blood pressure and heart rate...) on body systems (e.g., digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine...).
K.4.8.C.4a List healthy strategies (e.g., seeking support from others and community resources, positive self- talk, physical exercise...) and unhealthy strategies (e.g., smoking, alcohol misuse, isolation, fighting...) for dealing with stress and/or anxiety.
S.4.8.A.5 Apply stress-management strategies (e.g., progressive relaxation, deep breathing, guided imagery, focusing, positive thinking, self-talk, talking with others, humour...) in case scenarios related to stressful situations (e.g., coping with anger, sadness, defeat, loss, changes associated with puberty, illness, environmental destruction...).
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
K.4.8.B.1a Describe behaviours that show social responsibility and respect for diversity (e.g., showing respect toward officials and other players, inviting others to play, greeting others, helping others who are experiencing difficulty...) in different contexts (e.g., sports, physical activity participation, classroom settings...).
K.4.8.B.2a Describe examples of assertive behaviours (e.g., saying no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable, including others who are left out...) for resisting negative peer pressure
K.4.8.B.2b Identify roles and responsibilities (e.g., loyalty, commitment, support, respect, leadership...) in developing positive relationships (e.g., between friends, within families, in a sports team, band/choir...).
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
K.4.8.B.2a Describe examples of assertive behaviours (e.g., saying no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable, including others who are left out...) for resisting negative peer pressure
K.4.8.B.2b Identify roles and responsibilities (e.g., loyalty, commitment, support, respect, leadership...) in developing positive relationships (e.g., between friends, within families, in a sports team, band/choir...).
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
K.3.8.B.4 Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services available in the community (e.g., doctors, public health nurses, health agencies and associations related to cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, sexuality education, alcoholism; youth advocates, helplines, school/community counselling programs, friendship centres, ombudsperson, the Internet...).
K.4.8.A.3 Describe the social factors (e.g., self-esteem, interests, opinions, abilities, interpersonal skills...) that affect the decision-making/ problem-solving process in group situations.
K.4.8.B.2a Describe examples of assertive behaviours (e.g., saying no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable, including others who are left out...) for resisting negative peer pressure
S.4.8.A.3 Demonstrate functional use of interpersonal skills (i.e., communicate effectively, cooperate/ collaborate, be respectful, be responsible) that promote fair play and teamwork.
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
K.3.S1.B.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of laws and policies that promote personal and community safety (e.g., driving age, drinking/driving, boating, domestic violence, vandalism, shaken baby syndrome...).
K.3.S1.B.4 Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services available in the community (e.g., doctors, public health nurses, health agencies and associations related to cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, sexuality education, alcoholism; youth advocates, helplines, school/community counselling programs, friendship centres, ombudsperson, the Internet...).
K.3.S1.B.5a Analyze issues related to violence prevention in a variety of contexts (i.e., home, school, community, media, sport, relationships).
K.3.S1.B.5b Demonstrate an understanding of the skills (i.e., problem solving, anger management, communication, conflict resolution, assertiveness) in dealing with case scenarios related to physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive situations.
K.3.S1.B.6a Differentiate among the terms associated with abusive situations (i.e., physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, sexual exploitation).
K.3.S1.B.6b Identify skills (e.g., assertiveness, problem solving...) and community resources for addressing problems associated with sexually abusive behaviours.
K.4.S1.B.1a Describe ways to treat others (e.g., show respect, consideration, support, encouragement, affection, understanding, forgiveness...) for developing healthy and meaningful relationships (e.g., between parent and child, siblings, best friends, in romantic relationships, in marriage, at work, in the community...).
K.4.S1.B.2b Identify appropriate social behaviours (e.g., use inclusive language, treat others with respect...) for developing meaningful interpersonal relationships.
K.4.S1.B.4 Identify examples of potentially dangerous situations (e.g., physical abuse, verbal abuse, use of harmful substances, peer pressure...) and effective strategies for avoidance/refusal.
S.4.S1.A.3 Apply interpersonal skills (e.g., use thoughtful language, acknowledge ideas and opinions of others, show respect, make a commitment...) in case scenarios related to developing close, meaningful relationships (e.g., between parent and child, siblings, mother and father, best friends, teammates, in romantic relationships...).
K.5.S1.E.2a Identify the components for building and maintaining healthy, close relationships (e.g., effective communication and decision-making skills, respect, trust, love...).
K.5.S1.E.3a Describe social factors affecting human sexuality (e.g., culture, religious values, stereotyping, role models, media influence, body image, sexual orientation...).
K.5.S1.E.3b Examine the influences (e.g., family values, culture and religion, peer pressure, media images and advertising, substance use...) on making decisions for responsible sexual behaviour.
K.5.S1.E.3c Review personal responsibilities and sources of support (e.g., parents, nurses, doctors, counsellors, helplines, community health services, religious leaders, recommended books...) with regard to sex-related health issues.
S.5.S1.A.5 Apply a decision-making process in case scenarios related to developing healthy relationships and responsible sexual behaviours (e.g., abstinence, no exploitation of others, safer sex to prevent pregnancy and STIs...).
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
K.4.S2.B.2a Evaluate the benefits of effective communication skills (e.g., listen actively, paraphrase, show appreciation, criticize ideas, not people...) for getting along with family, friends, and peers in school, community, and/or the workplace.
K.4.S2.B.2b Identify potential adult roles (e.g., parent, partner, spouse...) and ways to prevent potential problems (e.g., domestic conflict, abuse...) in developing meaningful relationships.
K.4.S2.C.1a Describe the behaviours necessary for providing others with support (e.g., listen to a friend in difficulty...) and promoting emotional health and well-being.
K.4.S2.C.2 Describe situations (e.g., presentations, competitions, tests, new situations, family conflicts, time constraints, media influences, peer pressure, relationships, financial difficulty, academic expectations, physical features, technology, emergencies...) that cause personal stress.
S.4.S2.A.3 Apply communication skills and strategies (e.g., listen actively, clarify feelings, summarize...) in case scenarios for getting along with others in a variety of contexts (e.g., while participating in physical activities, discussion groups, project work, job interviews, conversations with adults in home/school/community...).
K.5.S2.E.2 Analyze the components (e.g., communication, decision making, sharing, managing sexual feelings and desires...) in different case scenarios for building and maintaining healthy relationships (e.g., friendships, dating, commitment, engagement, marriage, parenthood, cohabitation...).
K.5.S2.E.3a Examine sexuality as it is portrayed in the media (e.g., fashion magazines, music videos, advertisements, movies, songs...).
K.5.S2.E.3b Examine the influences (e.g., family values, culture and religion, peer pressure, media images and advertising, substance use...) on making decisions for responsible sexual behaviour.
K.5.S2.E.3c Review personal responsibilities and sources of support (e.g., parents, nurses, doctors, counsellors, helplines, community health services, religious leaders, recommended books...) with regard to sex-related health issues.
S.5.S2.A.5 Apply a decision-making/problem-solving process in case scenarios related to effective communication for building healthy relationships and demonstrating responsible sexual behaviours.
Outcome Matrices: New Brunswick
Based on New Brunswick Health Education Curriculum: “You and Your World Curriculum” (Kindergarten – Grade 2, 2005), “Personal Wellness” curriculum (Grades 3–5, 2016), “Health Curriculum” (Grades 6–8, 2005), and “Physical Education and Health” (Grade 9/10, 2007)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
K 1.2 Describe their own physical changes and unique characteristics
K 1.7 Communicate effectively, solve problems and demonstrate conflict-resolution skills
K 3.3 Develop vocabulary about sensory experiences that permits meaningful communication of ideas
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
K 4.2 Demonstrate an awareness of safety in the community
K 4.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the need for personal safety in the home, school and community, and be able to act accordingly
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
K 1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of themselves as unique and special
K 1.2 Describe their own physical changes and unique characteristics
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
K 3.3 Develop vocabulary about sensory experiences that permits meaningful communication of ideas
K 4.2 Demonstrate an awareness of safety in the community
K 4.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the need for personal safety in the home, school and community, and be able to act accordingly
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
K 4.2 Demonstrate an awareness of safety in the community
K 4.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the need for personal safety in the home, school and community, and be able to act accordingly
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
K 1.7 Communicate effectively, solve problems and demonstrate conflict-resolution skills
K 4.2 Demonstrate an awareness of safety in the community
K 4.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the need for personal safety in the home, school and community, and be able to act accordingly
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
K 1.7 Communicate effectively, solve problems and demonstrate conflict-resolution skills
K 4.2 Demonstrate an awareness of safety in the community
K 4.3 Demonstrate an awareness of the need for personal safety in the home, school and community, and be able to act accordingly
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
1.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of interactions between people
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
1.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of interactions between people
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be safe
1.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of interactions between people
1.1.3 Demonstrate an understanding that people within groups have rights and responsibilities
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
1.3.4 Understand and practise safety skills
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
2.4.2 Appreciate the need for safety and self-protection in the home, school and in the community
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
Lesson 2 – Emotions
2.1 Recognize the importance of talking about emotions
2.2 Demonstrate self-calming strategies to regulate emotional reactions
2.3 Examine emotional responses and their influence on behaviour
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
3.4 Explore strategies to resolve conflict
Lesson 5 – Friendship
3.2 Identify strategies to build and enhance friendships
3.3 Explain bullying and ways to prevent and intervene when it occurs
3.4 Explore strategies to resolve conflict
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
1.6 Describe behaviors and procedures that contribute to personal safety
3.3 Explain bullying and ways to prevent and intervene when it occurs
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
1.6 Evaluate ways of minimizing risks in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
1.3 Identify changes that occur during puberty
2.1 Describe a range of emotions
2.2 Identify strategies for regulating emotional reactions
2.3 Recognize expression of feelings in others
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
1.6 Evaluate ways of minimizing risks in potentially dangerous situations
3.3 Identify the various types of bullying and appropriate strategies to respond
Lesson 4 – Friendship
3.2 Identify the importance of communication to build and maintain friendships
2.3 Recognize expression of feelings in others
3.4 Apply strategies to resolve conflict
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
1.6 Evaluate ways of minimizing risks in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
1.6 Evaluate ways of minimizing risks in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
1.6 Evaluate ways of minimizing risks in potentially dangerous situations
3.3 Identify the various types of bullying and appropriate strategies to respond
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
2.3 Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others
Lesson 2 – Emotions
2.1 Identify sources and signs of stress as well as ways to manage it
2.2 Demonstrate methods for regulating emotional reactions
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
2.3 Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
Lesson 5 – Friendship
3.2 Describe empathic responses and their impact on interpersonal relationships
3.4 Describe strategies to deal with conflict across a variety of interpersonal relationships
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
2.3 Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
2.3 Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
1.6 Select personal safety practices that promote injury prevention
2.3 Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
B1 Describe the domains of wellness and identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
A2 Identify and describe various environmental factors that affect our health
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
B1 Describe the domains of wellness and identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Lesson 4 – Relationships
B3 Identify how environments influence health choices
Lesson 5 – Boundaries and Instincts
B1 Describe the domains of wellness and identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
B3 Identify how environments influence health choices
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
B1 Describe the domains of wellness and identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
B1 Describe the domains of wellness and identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
A1 Identify injuries that are prevalent in the community
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
A1 Define the role of community members (including self) in promoting safety and injury prevention
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
C2 Identify, describe and practise refusal skills in order to take personal responsibility
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
C2 Identify, describe and practise refusal skills in order to take personal responsibility
B2 Identify needs pertaining to student wellness in school
Lesson 4 – Friendship
A1 Define the role of community members (including self) in promoting safety and injury prevention
D4 Recognize and evaluate different kinds of relationships
B2 Identify needs pertaining to student wellness in school
Lesson 5 – Relationships
A1 Define the role of community members (including self) in promoting safety and injury prevention
D4 Recognize and evaluate different kinds of relationships
B2 Identify needs pertaining to student wellness in school
Lesson 6 – Online Record
A1 Define the role of community members (including self) in promoting safety and injury prevention
C2 Identify, describe and practise refusal skills in order to take personal responsibility
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
A1 Define the role of community members (including self) in promoting safety and injury prevention
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
B3 Identify stressors in students’ lives and strategies for coping with stress
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
B3 Identify stressors in students’ lives and strategies for coping with stress
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
A2 Identify and describe how to promote safety and prevent injury or illness
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
C2 Practice positive decision-making as it relates to self and others
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
A2 Identify and describe how to promote safety and prevent injury or illness
B3 Identify stressors in students’ lives and strategies for coping with stress
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
A2 Identify and describe how to promote safety and prevent injury or illness
B1 Identify strategies for promoting their own wellness
B3 Identify stressors in students’ lives and strategies for coping with stress
D2 Understand the choices and realize both the long-and short-term consequences and responsibilities that exist with becoming sexually active
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
1.D.7 Demonstrate cooperative skills in interactions with others
2.D.8 Demonstrate cooperative and supportive behaviour in interactions with others
2.K.5 Apply decision making models with regard to substance use and abuse and to sexual decision making.
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
1.D.7 Demonstrate cooperative skills in interactions with others
2.D.8 Demonstrate cooperative and supportive behaviour in interactions with others
2.K.5 Apply decision making models with regard to substance use and abuse and to sexual decision making.
Outcome Matrices: Newfoundland & Labrador
Based on Newfoundland and Labrador’s Health Curriculum Guide (Kindergarten – Grade 6), Adolescence: Healthy Lifestyles, Health and Personal Development Curriculum Guide (Grade 7 & 8), Grade 9 Health Curriculum Interim Guide (2008), & Healthy Living 1200 (2002)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Health Unit 2, 1.2 Understand that each person experiences a variety of feelings
Health Unit 2, 1.3 Understand that one’s interaction/play affects one’s feelings and those of others
Health Unit 2, 2.2 Differentiate the feelings that each person experiences (e.g., happiness, sadness, fear, anger)
Health Unit 2, 3.2 Examine personal interactions with others and how they make others feel
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Know some community workers and how they help us
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Apply methods of obtaining assistance from reliable sources in an emergency situation
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
Health Unit 1, 1.6 Identify that some aspects of individuals change and some do not
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
Health Unit 3, 2.2 Demonstrate respect for others
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Apply methods of obtaining assistance from reliable sources in an emergency situation
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Health Unit 4, 1.4 Recognize safe outdoor play environments
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Know some community workers and how they help us
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Apply methods of obtaining assistance from reliable sources in an emergency situation
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Know some community workers and how they help us
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Apply methods of obtaining assistance from reliable sources in an emergency situation
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Health Unit 2, 1.4 Recognize that experiences elicit different feelings, and people may react differently to the same experience
Health Unit 2, 2.2 Identify and demonstrate strategies to deal with feelings
Health Unit 2, 1.3 Understand the need for an individual to feel valued, accepted and loved in a family, school and community
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Health Unit 4, 2.1 Demonstrate practices that promote safety of self and others
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in an emergency situation in one’s community
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
Health Unit 2, 3.1 Assess the impact of words and actions on other’s sense of worth
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Identify examples of positive social behaviors used in interacting with family, friends, and community members
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Health Unit 3, 1.2 Identify characteristics of being a friend
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Identify examples of positive social behaviors used in interacting with family, friends, and community members
Health Unit 3, 2.1 Demonstrate age appropriate ways to resolve conflict
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Health Unit 4, 1.1 Identify safety practices employed when approaching or being approached by strangers
Health Unit 4, 1.2 Identify safety practices employed at school
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Demonstrate safe and effective school arrival and departure routines
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Health Unit 4, 1.1 Identify safety practices employed when approaching or being approached by strangers
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Health Unit 2, 2.2 Demonstrate age-appropriate strategies to express and deal effectively with a range of emotions
Health Unit 3, 2.1 Demonstrate the use of verbal and nonverbal communication in healthy interactions
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Health Unit 4, 2.2 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in an emergency situation in one’s community
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Recognize forms of body based harassment
Health Unit 3, 1.4 Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touch
Health Unit 3, 2.2 Demonstrate strategies to deal effectively with body based harassment and inappropriate touch.
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Health Unit 3, 1.2 Recognize the characteristics of a healthy friendship
Health Unit 4, 3.1 Examine personal practices used at play that promote safety of self and others
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Health Unit 3, 1.3 Recognize forms of body based harassment
Health Unit 3, 1.4 Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touch
Health Unit 3, 2.2 Demonstrate strategies to deal effectively with body based harassment and inappropriate touch
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Health Unit 3, 1.4 Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touch
Health Unit 3, 2.2 Demonstrate strategies to deal effectively with body based harassment and inappropriate touch
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Health Unit 3, 19.0 Recognize situations that threaten one’s sense of personal safety
Health Unit 3, 20.0 Understand that interventions are available when one’s sense of personal safety is threatened
Health Unit 3, 21.0 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in situations threatening personal safety
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Health Unit 2, 14.0 Demonstrate age appropriate strategies to address a range of emotions
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Health Unit 3, 20.0 Understand that interventions are available when one’s sense of personal safety is threatened
Health Unit 3, 21.0 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in situations threatening personal safety
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Health Unit 2, 15.0 Analyze how words and actions affect self and others
Health Unit 2, 17.0 Understand the importance of respect for self and others
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Health Unit 2, 15.0 Analyze how words and actions affect self and others
Health Unit 2, 16.0 Analyze how one’s personal words and actions affect self and others
Health Unit 2, 18.0 Understand that there are different types of relationships and they change with time
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Health Unit 3, 21.0 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in situations threatening personal safety
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Health Unit 3, 21.0 Demonstrate the ability to enlist help in situations threatening personal safety
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Health Unit 3, 23.0 Assess personal engagement in daily activities and the use of safety practices
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Health Unit 2, 15.0 Analyze how words and actions affect self and others
Health Unit 2, 17.0 Understand the importance of respect for self and others
Health Unit 3, 19.0 Recognize situations that threaten one’s sense of personal safety
Health Unit 3, 22.0 Apply strategies to promote personal safety
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Relationships, 4. Understand that adults are responsible for the physical needs of young people
Relationships, 7. Explain how decisions can have long-term effects
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
Relationships, 3. Understand that every right has a corresponding responsibility
Mental Health, 8. Identify some of the factors which affect our feelings
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
Relationships, 4. Understand that adults are responsible for the physical needs of young people
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Relationships, 2. Realize that one’s decisions may affect other people
Relationships, 9. Identify some advantages of similarities and differences in people
Relationships, 11. Know how to express concern for others in the class
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
Relationships, 5. Understand the nature of physical abuse
Relationships, 10. Identify examples of positive role models and explain their importance
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
Injury Prevention and Safety, 6. Know the safety rules which govern such activities as bicycling, roller-blading, skating, ice-fishing, winter camping, riding all-terrain vehicles, using playground equipment and riding in a car
Injury Prevention and Safety, 5. Know the emergency phone members for the community
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Injury Prevention and Safety, 6. Know the safety rules which govern such activities as bicycling, roller-blading, skating, ice-fishing, winter camping, riding all-terrain vehicles, using playground equipment and riding in a car
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Relationships, 8. Apply the decision-making process to daily activities
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Mental Health, 4. Understand that the way we are treated impacts on self-esteem and general emotional well-being
Mental Health, 5. Recognize what is realistic in terms of personal achievement
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Injury Prevention and Safety, 9. Identify some emergency situations which may occur in the community
Relationships, 10. Distinguish between secrets, surprises, confidentiality and privacy
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Relationships, 14. Recognize that some behaviours toward children may be classified as abusive
Relationships, 15. Recognize and identify some abusive behaviours
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Relationships, 1. Recognize that a peer is someone in the same age group
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Relationships, 14. Recognize that some behaviours toward children may be classified as abusive
Relationships, 15. Recognize and identify some abusive behaviours
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
Injury Prevention and Safety, 9. Identify some emergency situations which may occur in the community
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Relationships, 8. Apply the decision-making process to daily activities
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental Health, 10. Demonstrate some appropriate techniques in response to stressful situations
Mental Health, 3. Identify the various resources available for personal support
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
Mental Health, 4. Understand that everyone has basic emotional needs
Mental Health, 5. Identify different kinds of feelings and understand how they influence behaviour
Mental Health, 6. Demonstrate appropriate ways to express a variety of emotions
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Mental Health, 3. Identify the various resources available for personal support
Relationships, 5. Identify responsibilities of family members
Mental Health, 8. Recognize the importance of discussing fears or concerns with someone you can trust
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Relationships, 1. Describe different kinds of relationships
Relationships, 2. Identify situations involving physical, emotional and sexual abuse
Relationships, 8. Identify ways of developing positive relationships with peers
Mental Health, 7. Outline the steps to follow in dealing appropriately with a personal problem
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
Relationships, 3. Recognize that some relationships may be abusive and there is a need to develop strategies to deal with them
Mental Health, 8. Recognize the importance of discussing fears or concerns with someone you can trust
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Relationships, 3. Recognize that some relationships may be abusive and there is a need to develop strategies to deal with them
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Mental Health, 8. Recognize the importance of discussing fears or concerns with someone you can trust
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
Mental Health, 8. Recognize the importance of discussing fears or concerns with someone you can trust
Mental Health, 7. Outline the steps to follow in dealing appropriately with a personal problem
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 7. Understand how self-concept influences thoughts, feelings and behaviours
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 8. Understand the nature of feelings and the ways in which they are expressed
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 9. Be aware of appropriate ways of expressing feelings
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 10. Develop strategies for dealing with negative feelings
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
Safety and Environmental Health, 1. Recognize the importance of a healthy attitude towards safety
Human Sexuality, 17. Practice assertiveness and refusal skills as ways of coping with sexual pressures
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
Safety and Environmental Health, 2. Be aware of unsafe practices that endanger the lives of young people and understand why these practices occur
Human Sexuality, 17. Practice assertiveness and refusal skills as ways of coping with sexual pressures
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Relationships, 1. Identify the characteristics of a friendship
Relationships, 5. Recognize the influence of peer groups
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Relationships, 1. Identify the characteristics of a friendship
Relationships, 5. Recognize the influence of peer groups
Human Sexuality, 7. Be aware of ways of expressing sexual feelings
Lesson 6 – Online Record
Safety and Environmental Health, 7. Analyze the intent of rules, regulations and laws related to safety practices and protection
Safety and Environmental Health, 8. Identify practices and activities that pose a threat to the environment and the health of people
Safety and Environmental Health, 11. Examine some of our own actions and identify some changes that can be made on an individual basis in relation to personal and environmental health
Human Sexuality, 17. Practice assertiveness and refusal skills as ways of coping with sexual pressures
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
Safety and Environmental Health, 8. Identify practices and activities that pose a threat to the environment and the health of people
Human Sexuality, 17. Practice assertiveness and refusal skills as ways of coping with sexual pressures
Safety and Environmental Health, 2. Be aware of unsafe practices that endanger the lives of young people and understand why these practices occur
Relationships, 1. Identify the characteristics of a friendship
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 9. Be aware of appropriate ways of expressing feelings
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 5. Understand that changes in moods and feelings is natural
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 6. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate ways of handling moods and feelings
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 5. Understand that changes in moods and feelings is natural
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 6. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate ways of handling moods and feelings
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 7. Use the decision-making process to choose alternate courses of action when dealing with feelings
Emotional and Social Well-Being, 10. Discuss ways of coping with stress and stressful situations
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
Human Sexuality, 4. Be aware of means of sexual expression
Relationships, 1. Recognize the need for communication, understanding, sensitivity and cooperation with friends
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
Relationships, 1. Recognize the need for communication, understanding, sensitivity and cooperation with friends
Human Sexuality, 10. Practice communicating concerns related to sexuality with parents and others
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
Human Sexuality, 4. Be aware of means of sexual expression
Human Sexuality, 10. Practice communicating concerns related to sexuality with parents and others
Relationships, 1. Recognize the need for communication, understanding, sensitivity and cooperation with friends
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Unit 1, 1.1 Identify the types of communication (passive, aggressive, assertive, verbal, nonverbal and refusal skills)
Unit 1, 2.1 Demonstrate positive communication strategies in a variety of social situations.
Unit 1, 2.2 Develop an awareness of sensitive issues associated with relationships.
Unit 1, 2.4 Apply the decision making process to common scenarios.
Unit 1, 3.1 Assess personal communication skills and their impact on relationships with others.
Unit 1, 3.3 Assess the role that respect for sensitive issues plays in relationships.
Unit 2, 3.2 Analyze the extent to which ones personal values affect choices/decisions made in a variety of relationships.
Unit 3, 1.5 Define sexuality and be aware of different ways that individuals express their sexuality.
Unit 3, 1.7 Be aware of the role of values and possible implications of the decision to abstain or to engage in sexual activity.
Unit 3, 3.1 To reflect on self concept and personal values when making decisions related to sexuality.
Unit 3, 3.2 To be aware of reliable and accessible community resources when seeking sexual health information.
Unit 4, 1.1 Identify the characteristics of healthy interpersonal relationships.
Unit 4, 1.2 Have an awareness of the diversity in current dating practices.
Unit 4, 1.3 Develop an awareness of attitudes, expectations and roles as they relate to dating.
Unit 4, 2.2 Distinguish between appropriate behaviours for relationships with peers and those of adults.
Unit 4, 2.3 Analyze influences on dating behaviours.
Unit 4, 2.4 Develop effective communication skills to assist in maintaining personal values and coping with other issues that may arise in dating relationships.
Unit 4, 2.5 Assess the effect of high risk dating practices on overall wellness.
Unit 4, 2.6 Analyze media portrayals of relationships and sexuality.
Unit 4, 3.1 Analyze the personal decision making processes used in dealing with an issue in an interpersonal relationship.
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Healthy Living 1200
Component: Personal Dynamics
Impacts on Personal Dynamics
- Demonstrate an understanding of the impacts of cultural values and beliefs on society.
Personal Dynamics and You
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of communication, negotiation and conflict resolution skills in personal relationships.
Technology, Media and Personal Dynamics
- Critically analyse the impacts of technological innovations on time management, finances, and relationships.
Outcome Matrices: Nova Scotia
Based on Nova Scotia Health Education Curriculum Outcomes (Kindergarten to Grade 3, 2019 update/Grade 4–6, 2016), Healthy Living Renewed Curriculum (Grade 7–8, 2019), and Healthy Living Curriculum (Grade 9, 2014)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Learners will investigate a range of emotions that humans share
- Investigate a variety of emotional responses (COM, CI, CT)
- Investigate emotional responses to events (COM, PCD, CI, CT)
- Investigate emotional responses of others (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Investigate various adults in their lives they can go to for help (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Apply the appropriate language for parts of the body that are private. (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Investigate unsafe substances and scenarios at home and in the community and their related safety skills (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Investigate unsafe substances and scenarios at home and in the community and their related safety skills (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Investigate various adults in their lives they can go to for help (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate unsafe substances and scenarios at home and in the community and their related safety skills (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
Learners will investigate safe practices and effective strategies for personal safety and injury and disease prevention
- Investigate various adults in their lives they can go to for help (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate unsafe substances and scenarios at home and in the community and their related safety skills (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Learners will investigate healthy ways for coping with changes to family life
- Investigate common emotions associated with change (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate healthy coping strategies (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Learners will investigate healthy ways for coping with changes to family life
- Investigate healthy coping strategies (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Learners will investigate characteristics that promote healthy and safe relationships
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe friendship (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe peer relationships (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
Learners will investigate characteristics that promote healthy and safe relationships
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe friendship (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe peer relationships (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learners will investigate characteristics that promote healthy and safe relationships
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe friendship (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe peer relationships (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Learners will investigate characteristics that promote healthy and safe relationships
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe friendship (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe peer relationships (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Learners will investigate characteristics that promote healthy and safe relationships
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe friendship (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the characteristics of a healthy and safe peer relationships (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Learners will investigate the health benefits of active and quiet leisure in having a healthy mind and a healthy body
- Investigate strategies for coping with positive and negative emotions (COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Learners will investigate ways to be safe at school and in the community
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Learners will investigate ways to be safe at school and in the community
- Investigate ways of playing safe in school and in the community (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the concept of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate strategies for safe sharing of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT, TF)
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Learners will investigate ways to be safe at school and in the community
- Investigate ways of playing safe in school and in the community (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Learners will investigate ways to be safe at school and in the community
- Investigate ways of playing safe in school and in the community (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate the concept of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate strategies for safe sharing of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT, TF)
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learners will investigate ways to be safe at school and in the community
- Investigate the concept of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT)
- Investigate strategies for safe sharing of personal information (CZ, COM, PCD, CT, TF)
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate ways for asking a safe adult for help in unsafe scenarios (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
- Investigate ways for asking a safe adult for help in unsafe scenarios (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Learners will investigate ways for managing difficulties in friendship
- Investigate issues that can present challenges in friendships (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
- Investigate actions that contribute for maintaining friendships (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
- Investigate the use of interpersonal skills for solving problems within friendships (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
- Investigate ways for asking a safe adult for help in unsafe scenarios (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Learners will investigate ways for seeking help in unsafe risk scenarios
- Investigate a variety of risk scenarios that can make children feel unsafe, including the use by others of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
- Investigate ways for asking a safe adult for help in unsafe scenarios (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT, TF)
Learners will investigate decisions that affect physical, social, mental, and emotional health.
- Investigate choices and their consequences (CZ, COM, PCD, CI, CT)
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
1.3 Demonstrate an awareness that values are an integral part in making healthy decisions and fostering healthy behaviour
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
1.4 Differentiate between anxious feelings that we all have and signs of anxiety that are more serious, and identify people who can help
2.2 Demonstrate an awareness of the link between positive self-identity and making healthy decisions that affect relationships and care of self
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
1.4 Differentiate between anxious feelings that we all have and signs of anxiety that are more serious, and identify people who can help
Lesson 4 – Friendship
2.1 Identify components of a healthy relationship
2.2 Demonstrate an awareness of the link between positive self-identity and making healthy decisions that affect relationships and care of self
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
2.1 Identify components of a healthy relationship
2.2 Demonstrate an awareness of the link between positive self-identity and making healthy decisions that affect relationships and care of self
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
1.3 Demonstrate an awareness that values are an integral part in making healthy decisions and fostering healthy behaviour
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
2.1 Identify components of a healthy relationship
3.1 Demonstrate an awareness of the various forms of gambling, including video games and consider the risks associated with sharing personal information and pictures in online games
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
Lesson 2 – Emotions
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
1.4 Recognize when sadness or worry becomes life affecting and practise how to express a mental health concern for themselves or others
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
2.2 Examine relationships in their lives that promote positive health outcomes and those that interfere with learning, relationship building/friendship, or quality of life at home
Lesson 5 – Friendship
2.2 Examine relationships in their lives that promote positive health outcomes and those that interfere with learning, relationship building/friendship, or quality of life at home
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
2.2 Examine relationships in their lives that promote positive health outcomes and those that interfere with learning, relationship building/friendship, or quality of life at home
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
1.3 Practise skills for managing stress in their lives
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
3.1 Assess sources of information via the internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the internet
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
2.1 Practise communication skills that keep relationships in their lives healthy, safe, and productive
2.2 Create a personal value code of ethics on relationships within their lives
3.4 Identify personal safety strategies to use when home alone and/or babysitting
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
1.5 Identify and practise health enhancing ways to manage feelings and changes associated with the onset of puberty
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
2.1 Practise communication skills that keep relationships in their lives healthy, safe, and productive
Lesson 4 – Relationships
2.1 Practise communication skills that keep relationships in their lives healthy, safe, and productive
2.2 Create a personal value code of ethics on relationships within their lives
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
1.3 Demonstrate an awareness that personal needs for physical activity may change for girls and boys as they develop physically and emotionally
2.2 Create a personal value code of ethics on relationships within their lives
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
2.1 Practise communication skills that keep relationships in their lives healthy, safe, and productive
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
3.5 Demonstrate an awareness of health issues related to the overuse of networking devices and video gaming, and assess signs of concern in oneself or others
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
3.4 Identify personal safety strategies to use when home alone and/or babysitting
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of coping with difficult emotions and challenging life circumstances (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate interpersonal skills that enhance health (CZ, COM, PCD)
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of addressing challenges in relationships with family, friends, or peers (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
- Analyse ways of recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate interpersonal skills that enhance health (CZ, COM, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of addressing challenges in relationships with family, friends, or peers (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
- Analyse ways of recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate interpersonal skills that enhance health (CZ, COM, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of addressing challenges in relationships with family, friends, or peers (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
- Analyse ways of recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 6 – Online Record
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Analyse ways in which peer, media, and social norms influence healthy decision-making (CZ, COM, CT, PCD, TF)
Learners will investigate the relationships between health behaviours and physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy behaviours for using new technologies and media (CZ, CT, PCD, TF)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Formulate ways for engaging in safe relationships online and offline (CZ, CI, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
Learners will reflect on the importance of mental health literacy
- Analyse help seeking strategies for getting support or treatment (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Analyse ways of recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of coping with difficult emotions and challenging life circumstances (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of coping with difficult emotions and challenging life circumstances (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate interpersonal skills that enhance health (CZ, COM, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Analyse ways of recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
Learners will reflect on how sexual and reproductive health information impacts adolescent health
- Investigate how consent is expressed (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy ways of addressing challenges in relationships with family, friends, or peers (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
- Reflect on the importance of respecting the rights of others (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
Learners will analyse how life skills influence physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Analyse factors that impact healthy decision making (CZ, COM, CT, PCD, TF)
Learners will analyse the relationships between health behaviours and physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Investigate healthy behaviours for using new technologies and media (CZ, CT, PCD, TF)
Learners will reflect on the importance of mental health literacy
- Analyse help seeking strategies for getting support or treatment (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Learners will reflect on how healthy and safe relationships impact physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health
- Formulate ways for engaging in safe relationships online and offline (CZ, CI, COM, CT, PCD)
- Reflect on the importance of respecting the rights of others (CZ, COM, CT, PCD)
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
9.6 Identify ways of maintaining sexual health
9.10 Apply communication and interpersonal skills to discuss reproductive and sexual health issues
9.11 Examine the cause and effect of unhealthy relationships and practise communication and assertiveness skills to confront unhealthy relationships
9.12 Identify and practise negotiation, assertiveness, and refusal skills, related to sexual activity, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and gambling
9.15 Examine the negative impact of stereotyping and stigma upon help-seeking behvaiour
9.16 Examine issues around hypersexualization of children and youth and how these phenomena can contribute to violence, affect body image and self-esteem, and impact relationships
9.20 Identify school and community-based resources and health services available to assist themselves or a friend if help or information in the area of sexual health, mental health, alcohol, and other substance use or gambling is needed, and practise how to make initial contact with such a service/resource
9.24 Demonstrate understanding of how easy it is to lose control of information online
Outcome Matrices: Northwest Territories
Based on the Northwest Territories Junior Kindergarten/Kindergarten Curriculum (2017) and the School Health Program Curriculum (Grades 1–9, 1995/1996)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
5.2 Explore ways to express feelings. (CD 3.1.3, p.107)
5.3 Understand that everyone has different physical characteristics, abilities and feelings. (H-Theme 1)
5.16 Responds to others’ experiences and feelings through conversation. (ELA 1.1.1)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
4.3 Know the community helpers who work to keep us safe. (H-Theme 5)
4.4 Demonstrate awareness of those who help, care, and make decisions for them. (SS 2.1)
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
2.6 Identify basic body parts and their functions. (H-Theme 2)
5.3 Understand that everyone has different physical characteristics, abilities and feelings. (H-Theme 1)
5.5 Explore the concept of change and growth as part of life. (CD 3.1.1, p.107)
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
4.20 Respect others. (ELA 5.2.2)
4.3 Know the community helpers who work to keep us safe. (H-Theme 5)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
4.21 Find ways to be helpful to others. (ELA 5.1.3)
7.7 Demonstrate good relations with others by working cooperatively toward common goals, and collaborating with others for the well-being of the community. (SS Skills Core Concept/Citizenship)
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
2.21 Understand that taking personal responsibility for following safety rules (pedestrian, ice, water, fire, dangerous substances) is an important part of life. (H-Theme 5)
4.3 Know the community helpers who work to keep us safe. (H-Theme 5)
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
4.3 Know the community helpers who work to keep us safe. (H-Theme 5)
4.4 Demonstrate awareness of those who help, care, and make decisions for them. (SS 2.1)
9.4 Use critical thinking skills to make observations, decisions and to solve problems (SS Core Skills)
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Family Life, Lesson 6: Personal safety behaviours may require family and community support
- i) Identify family and community support people
Safety and First Aid, Lesson 1: Personal safety involves following safety rules and knowing personal identity facts and community helpers
- iii) Identify community safety helpers
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
Family Life, Lesson 5: Touch produces different feelings
- ii) State rules to follow in various situations
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Family Life, Lesson 5: Touch produces different feelings
- i) Identify the feelings associated with touch
Family Life, Lesson 6: Personal safety behaviours may require family and community support
- i) Identify family and community support people
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 5: Helping others helps build relationships
- i) Identify ways people help each other
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 5: Helping others helps build relationships
- i) Identify ways people help each other
Family Life, Lesson 5: Touch produces different feelings
- i) Identify the feelings associated with touch
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 1: Everyone has many different feelings
- i) Identify different feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 2: Everyone has many different feelings
- i) Identify different feelings in terms of personal experiences
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 3: Awareness of feelings is necessary to express them appropriately
- i) Identify ways of appropriately expressing feelings
- ii) Demonstrate ways of appropriately expressing feelings
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Family Life, Lesson 5: Personal safety behaviours may require family and community support
- i) Locate family and community support people
- ii) Identify how to contact family and community support people
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Family Life, Lesson 4: Personal safety behaviours help protect from potentially abusive situations
- i) Identify potentially abusive situations
- ii) Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- iii) Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Family Life, Lesson 4: Personal safety behaviours help protect from potentially abusive situations
- i) Identify potentially abusive situations
- ii) Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- iii) Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Family Life, Lesson 4: Personal safety behaviours help protect from potentially abusive situations
- i) Identify potentially abusive situations
- ii) Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- iii) Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Family Life, Lesson 4: Personal safety behaviours help protect from potentially abusive situations
- i) Identify potentially abusive situations
- ii) Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- iii) Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Decisions are made from the choices available in a given situation
- i) Identify the choices available in a given situation
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 8: Many situations require decisions
- i) Identify situations which require decisions
- ii) Identify personal decisions
- iii) Practice making decisions
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Communication is important in getting along with others
- i) Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Communication is important in getting along with others
- i) Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Communication is important in getting along with others
- i) Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Communication is important in getting along with others
- i) Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Communication is important in getting along with others
- i) Identify ways of communicating
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 8: Many situations require decisions
- i) Identify situations which require decisions
- ii) Identify personal decisions
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Decisions are made from the choices available in a given situation
- i) Identify the choices available in a given situation
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 8: Many situations require decisions
- i) Identify situations which require decisions
- ii) Identify personal decisions
- iii) Practice making decisions
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Decisions are made from the choices available in a given situation
- i) Identify the choices available in a given situation
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 8: Many situations require decisions
- i) Identify situations which require decisions
- ii) Identify personal decisions
- iii) Practice making decisions
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Better decisions can be made by considering the possible effects of various choices
- i) identify the possible effects of various choices
- ii) identify reasons for individual decisions
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: The activities people choose affect how they feel
- i) Identify feelings that make them feel good
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 1: Awareness of strengths and weaknesses affects how people feel about themselves
- i) Identify personal strengths and weaknesses
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: The activities people choose affect how they feel
- i) Identify feelings that make them feel good
Family Life, Lesson 8: Touch produces different feelings
- i) Identify feelings associated with touch
- ii) Identify how to deal with touches that produce negative or confused feelings
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
Family Life, Lesson 8: Touch produces different feelings
- ii) Identify how to deal with touches that produce negative or confused feelings
- iii) Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Caring behaviour helps build and maintain relationships
- i) Identify caring behaviours
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Caring behaviour helps build and maintain relationships
- i) Demonstrate caring behaviours
- ii) Describe the importance of caring
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 6: Peers influence decisions
- i) identify decisions that peers may influence
- ii) identify ways peers influence them
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Caring behaviours helps build and maintain relationships
- i) identifying caring behaviours
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Better decisions can be made by considering the possible effects of various choices
- i) identify the possible effects of various choices
- ii) identify reasons for individual decisions
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Better decisions can be made by considering the possible effects of various choices
- i) identify the possible effects of various choices
- ii) identify reasons for individual decisions
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Better decisions can be made by considering the possible effects of various choices
- i) identify the possible effects of various choices
- ii) identify reasons for individual decisions
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 6: Peers influence decisions
- i) identify decisions that peers may influence
- ii) identify ways peers influence them
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Peers may influence decisions
- i) identify methods of resisting peer influence
- ii) demonstrate methods of resisting peer influence
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Signs of stress are identifiable
- i) Identify situations that cause stress
- ii) Identify signs that cause stress
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify assertive communication skills
- ii) demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify steps in a refusal process
- ii) practise the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 1: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Describe effective speaking and active listening skills
- ii) Demonstrate effective speaking and active listening skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Signs of stress are identifiable
- i) Identify situations that cause stress
- ii) Identify signs that cause stress
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 7: Signs of stress are identifiable
- i) Identify situations that cause stress
- ii) Identify signs that cause stress
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify assertive communication skills
- ii) demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify steps in a refusal process
- ii) practise the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- ii) Describe the importance of effective communication skills in a relationship
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify assertive communication skills
- ii) demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify steps in a refusal process
- ii) practise the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Identify assertive communication skills
- ii) Demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) Identify steps in a refusal process
- ii) Practice the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify assertive communication skills
- ii) demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify steps in a refusal process
- ii) practise the steps of the refusal process
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Family Life, Lesson 8: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- ii) Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Family Life, Lesson 9: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Recognize supportive people
- ii) Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 1: Friends share a responsibility for maintaining the relationship
- i) Assess personal characteristics related to mental and emotional well being
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Family Life, Lesson 9: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Recognize supportive people
- ii) Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 1: Friends share a responsibility for maintaining the relationship
- i) Assess personal characteristics related to mental and emotional well being
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 8: Self-knowledge is the first step to self-improvement
- i) Describe mutual responsibilities involved in maintaining a friendship
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 4: Responsible decisions come from a developed value system
- i) Identify what is important to them
Family Life, Lesson 8: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Describe sexual abuse
Family Life, Lesson 9: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Recognize supportive people
- ii) Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Family Life, Lesson 8: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- ii) Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Family Life, Lesson 9: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Recognize supportive people
- ii) Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Family Life, Lesson 8: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- ii) Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Family Life, Lesson 9: No one has the right to sexually abuse a child
- i) Recognize supportive people
- ii) Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 5: Effective decision-making uses a systematic process
- i) Describe the steps in the decision-making process
- ii) Demonstrate the steps in the decision-making process
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 1: Self-concept is how people feel about themselves
- i) define self-concept
- ii) identify the factors that influence self-concept
- iii) identify characteristics of people with good and poor self-concept
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 2: A positive self-concept is important in daily living
- i) identify ways to enhance self-concept
- ii) design a personal program to enhance self-concept
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
Family Life, Lesson 7: Effective use of assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressures
- i) demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- ii) describe assertive responses that allow a person to say 'No' to sexual pressure
- iii) explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Family Life, Lesson 10: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
Family Life, Lesson 7: Effective use of assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressures
- i) demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- ii) describe assertive responses that allow a person to say 'No' to sexual pressure
- iii) explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Family Life, Lesson 10: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Lesson 4 – Friendships
Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Lesson 3: Effective communication is important in a relationship
- i) identify skills involved in initiating, maintaining and concluding a conversation
- ii) practise initiating, maintaining and concluding a conversation
Family Life, Lesson 9: Sexual assault is a criminal offence
- iv) identify behaviours that help prevent sexual assault
Family Life, Lesson 10: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Family Life, Lesson 7: Effective use of assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressures
- i) demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- ii) describe assertive responses that allow a person to say 'No' to sexual pressure
- iii) explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Family Life, Lesson 9: Sexual assault is a criminal offence
- iv) identify behaviours that help prevent sexual assault
Family Life, Lesson 10: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
Lesson 6 – Online Record
Family Life, Lesson 7: Effective use of assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressures
- i) demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- ii) describe assertive responses that allow a person to say 'No' to sexual pressure
- iii) explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
Family Life, Lesson 7: Effective use of assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressures
- i) demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- ii) describe assertive responses that allow a person to say 'No' to sexual pressure
- iii) explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 3: People can learn to deal effectively with stress in their lives
- i) define stress
- ii) identify causes of stress
- iii) identify how stress affects the body
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 4: People can learn to deal effectively with stress in their lives
- i) identify specific methods of dealing with stress
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 3: People can learn to deal effectively with stress in their lives
- i) define stress
- ii) identify causes of stress
- iii) identify how stress affects the body
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 4: People can learn to deal effectively with stress in their lives
- i) identify specific methods of dealing with stress
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
Family Life, Lesson 9: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote a young person's healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote a healthy sexuality and/or family relationships
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
Family Life, Lesson 5: Assertiveness and abstinence are responsible behaviours for young adolescents
- ii) practise assertive responses to sexual pressure
Family Life, Lesson 9: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote a young person's healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote a healthy sexuality and/or family relationships
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
Family Life, Lesson 5: Assertiveness and abstinence are responsible behaviours for young adolescents
- ii) practise assertive responses to sexual pressure
Family Life, Lesson 9: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote a young person's healthy sexuality and family relationships
- ii) design a personal program to promote a healthy sexuality and/or family relationships
- iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Mental and Emotional Well Being, Lesson 3: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) describe the components of a personal lifestyle
- ii) assess the components of their own mental and emotional lifestyle
Family Life, Lesson 1: Males and females have equal potential
- i) describe male and female gender role stereotyping
- ii) identify factors that contribute to changes in gender role stereotyping
Family Life, Lesson 4: There are many support systems in the community available to families
- i) identify family support systems in the community
- ii) identify the roles of family support systems
- iii) describe how to effectively use the systems
Family Life, Lesson 9: Positive lifestyle practices promote health
- i) identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
Outcome Matrices: Nunavut
Based on the Nunavut Aulajaaqtut Strand — School Health Program Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 5. Identify basic feelings
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
Growth and Development: Body Systems
- 1. Name external body parts
- 2. Locate external body parts
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Alcohol and Other Drugs: Safety
- 1. Identify safe/unsafe situations
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify activities they do with their friends
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 1. State personal safety rules
- 2. State personal identity facts
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Alcohol and Other Drugs: Safety
- 1. Identify safe/unsafe situations
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 2. State personal identity facts
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Alcohol and Other Drugs: Safety
- 1. Identify safe/unsafe situations
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 3. Identify some of their likes and dislikes
- 4. Identify that people have different likes and dislikes
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify family and community support people
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 3. Identify community safety helpers
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 2. State rules to follow in various situations
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify the feelings associated with touch
- 2. State rules to follow in various situations
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify family and community support people
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
Safety and First Aid: Personal Safety
- 1. State personal safety rules
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 3. Identify ways people help each other
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 3. Identify ways people help each other
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. Identify different feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. Identify different feelings in terms of personal experiences
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. Identify ways of appropriately expressing feelings
- 2. Demonstrate ways of appropriately expressing feelings
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Locate family and community support people
- 2. Identify how to contact family and community support people
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify potentially abusive situations
- 2. Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- 3. Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify potentially abusive situations
- 2. Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- 3. Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify potentially abusive situations
- 2. Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- 3. Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify potentially abusive situations
- 2. Describe behaviours which help protect them from potentially abusive situations
- 3. Demonstrate behaviours which help maintain personal safety
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify responsibilities which they have
- 2. Identify responsibilities which other people have
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify responsibilities which they have
- 2. Identify responsibilities which other people have
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify responsibilities which they have
- 2. Identify responsibilities which other people have
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify ways of communicating
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify caring behaviours
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 3. Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. Identify personal strengths and weaknesses
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. Identify activities that make them feel good
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Identify feelings associated with touch
- 2. Identify how to deal with touches that produce negative or confused feelings
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify caring behaviours
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 2. Identify how to deal with touches that produce negative or confused feelings
- 3. Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify caring behaviours
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Demonstrate caring behaviours
- 2. Describe the importance of caring
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify caring behaviours
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 3. Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Decision Making
- 1. Identify the possible effects of various choices
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 3. Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Decision Making
- 1. Identify the possible effects of various choices
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Decision Making
- 1. Identify decisions that peers may influence
- 2. Identify ways peers influence them
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 3. Identify trusted people in the community who can help
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 1. Identify situations that cause stress
- 2. Identify signs that cause stress
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe effective speaking and active listening skills
- 2. Demonstrate effective speaking and active listening skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 1. Identify situations that cause stress
- 2. Identify signs that cause stress
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe different communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 1. Identify situations that cause stress
- 2. Identify signs that cause stress
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify assertive communication skills
- 2. Demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify steps in a refusal process
- 2. Practice the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 2. Describe the importance of effective communication skills in a relationship
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify assertive communication skills
- 2. Demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify steps in a refusal process
- 2. Practice the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify assertive communication skills
- 2. Demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify steps in a refusal process
- 2. Practice the steps of the refusal process
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify assertive communication skills
- 2. Demonstrate assertive communication skills
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Identify steps in a refusal process
- 2. Practice the steps of the refusal process
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 2. Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Recognize supportive people
- 2. Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe mutual responsibilities involved in maintaining a friendship
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Life Style
- 1. Assess personal characteristics related to mental and emotional well-being
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Recognize supportive people
- 2. Identify family and community members who will provide support
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Recognize supportive people
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Life Style
- 1. Assess personal characteristics related to mental and emotional well being
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. Describe mutual responsibilities involved in maintaining a friendship
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Decision Making
- 1. Identify what is important to them
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 1. Describe sexual abuse
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 2. Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
Family Life: Abuse Prevention
- 2. Identify responsible behaviours which help prevent abuse
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Decision Making
- 1. Describe the steps in the decision-making process
- 2. Demonstrate the steps in the decision-making process
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 2. identify the factors that influence self-concept
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 1. identify ways to enhance self-concept
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
Growth and Development: Teen Decisions
- 1. demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- 2. describe assertive responses that allow a person to say ‘No’ to sexual pressure
- 3. explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Growth and Development: Abuse Prevention
- 1. define sexual assault
- 4. identify behaviours that help prevent sexual assault
Growth and Development: Lifestyles
- 1. identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
Growth and Development: Teen Decisions
- 1. demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- 2. describe assertive responses that allow a person to say ‘No’ to sexual pressure
- 3. explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Self-Awareness
- 2. identify the factors that influence self-concept
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Relationships
- 1. identify ways of giving and receiving criticism
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Growth and Development: Teen Decisions
- 1. demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- 2. describe assertive responses that allow a person to say ‘No’ to sexual pressure
- 3. explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Lesson 6 – Online Record
Growth and Development: Teen Decisions
- 1. demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- 2. describe assertive responses that allow a person to say ‘No’ to sexual pressure
- 3. explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
Growth and Development: Teen Decisions
- 1. demonstrate the steps in the refusal process
- 2. describe assertive responses that allow a person to say ‘No’ to sexual pressure
- 3. explain how assertiveness skills can help adolescents deal with sexual pressure
Growth and Development: Abuse Prevention
- 1. define sexual assault
- 4. identify behaviours that help prevent sexual assault
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 4. Identify ways of dealing with depression
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 4. Identify ways of dealing with depression
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Coping
- 1. identify specific methods of dealing with stress
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
Family Life: Families
- 1. describe types of interpersonal relationships
- 2. identify characteristics that promote the development of relationships
Family Life: Lifestyle
- 1. identify positive lifestyle practices that promote a young person's healthy sexuality and family relationships
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
Family Life: Families
- 1. describe types of interpersonal relationships
- 2. identify characteristics that promote the development of relationships
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
Family Life: Families
- 1. describe types of interpersonal relationships
- 2. identify characteristics that promote the development of relationships
Family Life: Lifestyle
- 1. identify positive lifestyle practices that promote a young person's healthy sexuality and family relationships
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Mental and Emotional Well Being: Lifestyles
- 1. describe the components of a personal lifestyle
- 2. assess the components of their own mental and emotional lifestyle
Family Life: Families
- 1. describe male and female gender role stereotyping
- 2. identify factors that contribute to changes in gender role stereotyping
Family Life: Families
- 1. identify family support systems in the community
- 2. identify the roles of family support systems
- 3. describe how to effectively use the systems
Family Life: Lifestyles
- 1. identify positive lifestyle practices that promote healthy sexuality and family relationships
Outcome Matrices: Ontario
Based on the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum: Kindergarten (2016 Version & 2019 Addendum), Grades 1–8 (2019 Version), Grade 9–12 (2015 Revised Version)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
1.3 Use and interpret gestures, tone of voice, and other non-verbal means to communicate and respond (e.g., respond to non-verbal cues from the educator; vary tone of voice when dramatizing; name feelings and recognize how someone else might be feeling)
1.6 Use language (verbal and non-verbal communication) to communicate their thinking, to reflect, and to solve problems
2.5 Develop empathy for others, and acknowledge and respond to each other’s feelings (e.g., tell an adult when another child is hurt/sick/upset; have an imaginary conversation with a tree or an insect; role-play emotions with dolls and puppets)
6. Demonstrate an awareness of their own health and well-being
6.5 Discuss and demonstrate in play what makes them happy and unhappy, and why
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
24.1 Identify practices that maximize safety and lessen the risk of injury, including the risk of concussion, for themselves and others, and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of these practices
28.1 Recognize people in their community and talk about what they do (e.g., farmer, park ranger, police officer, nurse, Indigenous healer, store clerk, engineer, baker)
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
28. Demonstrate an awareness of their surroundings
28.1 Recognize people in their community and talk about what they do (e.g., farmer, park ranger, police officer, nurse, Indigenous healer, store clerk, engineer, baker)
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
27.1 Develop strategies for standing up for themselves, and demonstrate the ability to apply behaviours that enhance their personal well-being, comfort, and self-acceptance and the well-being, comfort, and self-acceptance of others (e.g., speaking confidently, stating boundaries, making choices)
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
6.4 Discuss what action to take when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, in person or online, and when and how to seek assistance (e.g., acting in response to inappropriate touching; seeking assistance from an adult they know and trust, from 911, or from playground monitors; identifying substances that are harmful to the body; when online, knowing to stop and get help from a parent or trusted adult if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable)
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: explain how participating in daily physical activity [DPA] as part of a group makes them feel; Movement Competence: be aware of their feelings when learning new skills that seem easy and when learning skills that seem more difficult; Healthy Living: identify feelings they might experience in response to caring behaviours and behaviours by others that might be harmful to them)
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: apply knowledge of safety procedures to make themselves feel safer; be aware of their own strengths and abilities and of their sense of personal boundaries to help them develop confidence when playing on the playground; Movement Competence: try to express themselves positively when they are excited or disappointed during a game; Healthy Living: explain how they can access help if needed by asking a trusted adult or calling 9-1-1 in an emergency)
D1.5 Demonstrate an understanding that mental health is a part of overall health and reflect on the things they can do to appreciate and take care of their body and mind [A1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 2 – A Grown-Up You Can Go to for Help
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: apply knowledge of safety procedures to make themselves feel safer; be aware of their own strengths and abilities and of their sense of personal boundaries to help them develop confidence when playing on the playground; Movement Competence: try to express themselves positively when they are excited or disappointed during a game; Healthy Living: explain how they can access help if needed by asking a trusted adult or calling 9-1-1 in an emergency)
D1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety (e.g., knowing their home phone numbers; knowing how to contact 9-1-1; seeking help from a police officer, teacher, youth worker, or other trusted adult; knowing routines for safe pickup from school or activities) [A1.2 Coping]
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
A1.5 Apply skills that help them develop self-awareness and self-confidence as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging (e.g., Active Living: create connections with peers through the discovery of shared enjoyment in various activities as they participate in DPA in the classroom; Movement Competence: describe how their body feels when they move in different ways; Healthy Living: show an understanding of, and respect for, themselves and their bodies by using proper names for body parts)
D1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety (e.g., knowing their home phone numbers; knowing how to contact 9-1-1; seeking help from a police officer, teacher, youth worker, or other trusted adult; knowing routines for safe pickup from school or activities) [A1.2 Coping]
D3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how to stay safe and avoid injuries to themselves and others in a variety of situations, using knowledge about potential risks at home, in the community, when online, and outdoors (e.g., items or situations that could lead to poisoning, slips, falls, fire, or injury, including injuries from household products, medicines, kitchen tools and equipment, unstable furniture, candles, toys; road, water, and playground hazards; the danger of landing on websites that are not age-appropriate; weather and sun hazards) [A1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
D1.3 Identify body parts, including genitalia (e.g., penis, testicles, vagina, vulva), using correct terminology and body-positive language [A1.5 Self]
D2.3 Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours (e.g., listening with respect, being helpful, respecting boundaries) and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health (e.g., ignoring or excluding others; bullying; manipulative behaviours; sexually exploitative or abusive behaviours, including inappropriate touching; verbal, emotional, or physical abuse), and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
D1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety (e.g., knowing their home phone numbers; knowing how to contact 9-1-1; seeking help from a police officer, teacher, youth worker, or other trusted adult; knowing routines for safe pickup from school or activities) [A1.2 Coping]
D2.4 Apply their knowledge of essential safety practices to take an active role in their own safety at school (e.g., inform teacher of allergies, be aware of food safety issues, play in supervised areas, follow safe routines for travelling to and from school) [A1.3 Motivation, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
D2.3 Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours (e.g., listening with respect, being helpful, respecting boundaries) and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health (e.g., ignoring or excluding others; bullying; manipulative behaviours; sexually exploitative or abusive behaviours, including inappropriate touching; verbal, emotional, or physical abuse), and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: if feeling unhappy or upset before the start of a physical activity, take a moment to breathe deeply and refocus, so they can be ready to participate fully; Movement Competence: be aware of the feelings they and their partner are experiencing as they work cooperatively to throw and catch objects of varying sizes, and respond by making adjustments in how they are sending the objects; Healthy Living: show understanding for the feelings of someone who is voicing objections and refusing to participate in an activity that they do not like)
D1.6 Demonstrate an understanding of how a person’s body and brain respond to challenging or uncomfortable situations (e.g., they may feel tired, easily overwhelmed, confused, or overstimulated; they may want to cry or they may have very intense feelings; they may get a headache or feel hot), and describe what they can do to feel better at those times [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.5 Explain how understanding and being able to name their feelings (e.g., happy, relaxed, calm, uncomfortable, sad, angry, frustrated, scared, worried) can help in knowing when they might need to get help [A1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.5 Self]
D3.1 Describe how to relate positively to family members, caregivers, and others (e.g., cooperate, show respect, communicate openly, manage anger, pay attention to what people say and to their facial expressions and body language), and describe behaviours that can be harmful in relating to others (e.g., verbal abuse, including both online and face-to-face name calling, insults, and mocking; deliberately ignoring someone, or ignoring the feelings they express; physical violence, including pushing, kicking, and hitting) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
D2.3 Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
D3.1 Describe how to relate positively to family members, caregivers, and others (e.g., cooperate, show respect, communicate openly, manage anger, pay attention to what people say and to their facial expressions and body language), and describe behaviours that can be harmful in relating to others (e.g., verbal abuse, including both online and face-to-face name calling, insults, and mocking; deliberately ignoring someone, or ignoring the feelings they express; physical violence, including pushing, kicking, and hitting) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: dress appropriately for outdoor activity, recognizing that they help themselves feel more comfortable by doing so; Movement Competence: describe the value of positive self-talk to help manage several variables when engaged in an activity, such as sending objects of different sizes, at different levels, using different body parts; Healthy Living: in response to teasing, try different solutions – walking away, telling the person to stop, telling the person how the teasing makes them feel, getting help)
D1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of practices that enhance personal safety in the home (e.g., observing precautions for answering the phone and door, establishing home fire escape strategies, respecting electrical outlet covers, following precautions for preparing and storing foods, washing hands), outdoors (e.g., using UV protection; observing safety rules when riding the bus, riding a bicycle, walking to school, approaching railway tracks and crossings; carrying medication for allergic reactions; being cautious when approaching animals), and when online (e.g., not sharing personal information, checking with an adult if information found online is true) [A1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.3 Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
D2.3 Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: dress appropriately for outdoor activity, recognizing that they help themselves feel more comfortable by doing so; Movement Competence: describe the value of positive self-talk to help manage several variables when engaged in an activity, such as sending objects of different sizes, at different levels, using different body parts; Healthy Living: in response to teasing, try different solutions – walking away, telling the person to stop, telling the person how the teasing makes them feel, getting help)
D2.3 Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
D2.3 Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
D2.2 Apply their understanding of good safety practices by developing safety guidelines for a variety of places and situations outside the classroom, including online (e.g., guidelines for water safety; guidelines and protocols for safe drinking water; safe routes and practices for going to school; home fire safety and emergency plans; safe camping checklists; guidelines for safe online communication; guidelines for personal hygiene and the prevention of infectious diseases; guidelines for proper use of hand sanitizers; wildlife safety precautions; guidelines for managing allergies; Halloween safety practices; rules for behaviour around guide dogs, other service animals, and animals in general) [A1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 2 – Emotions
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: when helping others observe safety rules, be aware of their feelings and speak in a positive and supportive way; Movement Competence: when learning new activities, show awareness of self and others as they demonstrate fair play; Healthy Living: identify the emotions shown by characters in fictional depictions of violence in various media forms, and describe how they may be different from the emotions involved when violence is real)
A1.3 Apply skills that help them develop habits of mind that support positive motivation and perseverance as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to promote a sense of optimism and hope (e.g., Active Living: show a growth mindset when setting personal goals for physical activity; Movement Competence: experiment with adopting a positive attitude if they are not feeling confident as they learn a new skill, and describe how doing so affects their skill development; Healthy Living: with respect to healthy development, recognize and appreciate the factors they can influence, and accept and work with the factors over which they have less influence)
D1.6 Explain how the brain responds (i.e., the brain’s stress response – fight, flight, freeze) when it thinks there is a threat and how that response might affect thoughts, emotions, and actions [A1.1 Emotions]
D3.4 Reflect on external factors, including environmental factors, that may contribute to experiencing a range of strong feelings, including uncomfortable feelings such as worry (e.g., transitions, such as starting a new grade, moving, or family separation; excessive heat, cold, or noise; unexpected changes in routine; significant losses, such as the death of a family member or pet) and identify ways to help them manage these feelings [A1.1 Emotions]
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
D1.4 Identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting and respecting differences, avoiding assumptions, being inclusive, communicating openly, establishing and respecting personal boundaries, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of responding to bullying and other challenges (e.g., exclusion, discrimination, peer pressure, abuse) and of communicating consent in their interactions with others [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: explain how being physically active can help to moderate strong feelings and emotions; Movement Competence: take a deep breath to centre themselves when feeling overwhelmed or nervous about performing a new skill; Healthy Living: do their best to make sure that they are getting enough sleep and eating in healthy ways to help them meet daily challenges and participate fully in activities)
A1.5 Apply skills that help them develop self-awareness and self-confidence as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging (e.g., Active Living: show awareness of family activities that support physical and mental health – such as family walks, family meals, and times for relaxing together – by explaining how they use a Healthy Living calendar on the fridge in their home to plan and record such activities; Movement Competence: check whether they feel stable when performing a static balance and adjust their position if they do not; check to see if they are starting to feel more sure of themselves as they practise static balances; Healthy Living: identify some of the characteristics that make them unique, showing an understanding that we all have things that make us unique, whether they are visible on the surface or not, such as different abilities and different physical attributes)
D1.4 Identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting and respecting differences, avoiding assumptions, being inclusive, communicating openly, establishing and respecting personal boundaries, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of responding to bullying and other challenges (e.g., exclusion, discrimination, peer pressure, abuse) and of communicating consent in their interactions with others [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 5 – Friendship
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: be willing to be anyone’s partner for physical activities and be welcoming of everyone when working in small groups; Movement Competence: when practising throwing and catching, talk with a partner to decide which piece of equipment to use and what distance to stand apart from each other; Healthy Living: demonstrate awareness of doing or saying things in a way that acknowledges the unique characteristics of others in a positive way rather than in a disrespectful or hurtful way)
D1.4 Identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting and respecting differences, avoiding assumptions, being inclusive, communicating openly, establishing and respecting personal boundaries, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of responding to bullying and other challenges (e.g., exclusion, discrimination, peer pressure, abuse) and of communicating consent in their interactions with others [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
D1.4 Identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting and respecting differences, avoiding assumptions, being inclusive, communicating openly, establishing and respecting personal boundaries, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of responding to bullying and other challenges (e.g., exclusion, discrimination, peer pressure, abuse) and of communicating consent in their interactions with others [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
D1.4 Identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting and respecting differences, avoiding assumptions, being inclusive, communicating openly, establishing and respecting personal boundaries, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of responding to bullying and other challenges (e.g., exclusion, discrimination, peer pressure, abuse) and of communicating consent in their interactions with others [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships]
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
D2.2 Apply their understanding of good safety practices by developing safety guidelines for a variety of places and situations outside the classroom, including online (e.g., guidelines for water safety; guidelines and protocols for safe drinking water; safe routes and practices for going to school; home fire safety and emergency plans; safe camping checklists; guidelines for safe online communication; guidelines for personal hygiene and the prevention of infectious diseases; guidelines for proper use of hand sanitizers; wildlife safety precautions; guidelines for managing allergies; Halloween safety practices; rules for behaviour around guide dogs, other service animals, and animals in general) [A1.6 Thinking]
D3.2 Explain how the portrayal of fictional violence in various media, both on- and offline (e.g., television dramas, video games, Internet, movies), can create an unrealistic view of the consequences of real violence (e.g., physical trauma, chronic disability, family stress, death) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.6 Thinking]
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
D2.2 Apply a decision-making process (e.g., identify potential dangers and risks, consider ways to stay safe, consider the pros and cons of each option, consider whether they need to check with an adult, choose the safest option, act, reflect on their decision, consider whether there is anything they could improve for next time) to assess risks and make safe decisions in a variety of situations (e.g., when using a wheelchair, cycling, preparing food, going online) [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: recognize feelings of happiness or satisfaction when doing physical activities and keep those feelings in mind when setting goals for fitness and health; Movement Competence: manage emotions such as frustration or excitement while playing games in a small group – for example, by identifying that they are frustrated or excited and taking a breath or a quick time-out in order to moderate their feelings; Healthy Living: identify new feelings they may experience with the onset of puberty)
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: describe how joining a school-wide activity such as an intramural team or club can help them manage stress and cope with challenges by building social connections; Movement Competence: choose equipment that provides an appropriate level of challenge and support to help them succeed in learning or refining a skill; Healthy Living: describe how knowing about the physical and emotional changes that will come with puberty can help them cope with those changes when they occur)
A1.3 Apply skills that help them develop habits of mind that support positive motivation and perseverance as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to promote a sense of optimism and hope (e.g., Active Living: recognize that mental health is an intrinsic factor that can have an impact on motivation for exertion; Movement Competence: when carrying an object, persevere to find creative ways to protect and retain the object; Healthy Living: show awareness of their food choices and habits and persevere in the practice of choosing healthy alternatives)
D2.5 Demonstrate an understanding of how choices they make every day can have a positive impact on their mental health (e.g., taking time to identify what they are feeling [doing a “self check-in” regarding feelings]; getting adequate sleep; engaging in genuine, face-to-face social interaction; being physically active; using mindfulness strategies; having connections to responsible, caring adults; taking part in something “bigger” than themselves that involves giving back to the community) [A1.2 Coping, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
D3.3 Demonstrate an understanding of different strategies they can use to manage stress in situations in which they have some control (e.g., peer relationships, maintaining life balance), as well as to adapt to challenging situations over which they have less immediate influence (e.g., moving to a new home, family stresses, environmental stresses) [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
D2.2 Apply a decision-making process (e.g., identify potential dangers and risks, consider ways to stay safe, consider the pros and cons of each option, consider whether they need to check with an adult, choose the safest option, act, reflect on their decision, consider whether there is anything they could improve for next time) to assess risks and make safe decisions in a variety of situations (e.g., when using a wheelchair, cycling, preparing food, going online) [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 4 – Friendship
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: use encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups, and describe the impact of doing so; Movement Competence: cooperate with group members to develop a creative movement sequence; Healthy Living: explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face; identify some of the teachings of First Nations, Métis, or Inuit cultures that can help them strengthen their own relationships)
D1.3 Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
D1.2 Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation, depressed mood, preoccupation with comparing themselves to others and seeking validation, unhealthy sleeping patterns, and other risks to mental health), and describe precautions and strategies for using these technologies safely [A1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
D1.3 Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
D2.2 Apply a decision-making process (e.g., identify potential dangers and risks, consider ways to stay safe, consider the pros and cons of each option, consider whether they need to check with an adult, choose the safest option, act, reflect on their decision, consider whether there is anything they could improve for next time) to assess risks and make safe decisions in a variety of situations (e.g., when using a wheelchair, cycling, preparing food, going online) [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
D2.2 Apply a decision-making process (e.g., identify potential dangers and risks, consider ways to stay safe, consider the pros and cons of each option, consider whether they need to check with an adult, choose the safest option, act, reflect on their decision, consider whether there is anything they could improve for next time) to assess risks and make safe decisions in a variety of situations (e.g., when using a wheelchair, cycling, preparing food, going online) [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
D1.2 Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation, depressed mood, preoccupation with comparing themselves to others and seeking validation, unhealthy sleeping patterns, and other risks to mental health), and describe precautions and strategies for using these technologies safely [A1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
D1.3 Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 2 – Emotions
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: demonstrate awareness that feeling confident and included can affect a person’s motivation to participate in physical activities; Movement Competence: describe how different activities can generate a range of emotions, including feelings of calm, satisfaction, energy, and excitement; Healthy Living: describe how they would be able to tell if a person is feeling threatened by someone, and identify the actions they could take, as a bystander, to help that person)
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: use problem-solving strategies to make physical activities that seem difficult more fun and interesting; Movement Competence: explain how trying different approaches, such as adjusting body position or speed, can help them maintain control of a ball with their feet while running down the field; Healthy Living: identify how to get help in different situations – when feeling really sad or worried, in emergencies, when confronted with violence, when being bullied or witnessing someone else being bullied, to prevent injury)
A1.3 Apply skills that help them develop habits of mind that support positive motivation and perseverance as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to promote a sense of optimism and hope (e.g., Active Living: reframe their mindset to focus on strengths when establishing fitness goals; Movement Competence: when developing a routine involving balls and locomotor movements, strive to include new elements that they’ve never tried before; Healthy Living: take time to reflect on an event that caused them disappointment, and describe another way they might view that event)
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: work collaboratively with peers by taking turns leading warm-up activities; Movement Competence: listen closely to a partner’s ideas when working with them to create a developmental gymnastics sequence; Healthy Living: show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours such as calling people names or excluding them; show respect for cultural and all other forms of diversity)
D1.1 Identify trusted people (e.g., parents, guardians, family members, neighbours, teachers, crossing guards, police, older students, coaches) and support services (e.g., help lines, including professional online chat support such as Kids Help Phone, youth or community hubs, 9-1-1, Telehealth, public health units, community mental health services, student services) that can assist with injury prevention, emotional distress, emergencies, bullying, non-consensual photo sharing and other non-consensual behaviour, and abusive and violent situations [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.6 Demonstrate an understanding of their role, and the limits of their role, in helping others who may need mental health support [A1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 5 – Friendship
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: work collaboratively with peers by taking turns leading warm-up activities; Movement Competence: listen closely to a partner’s ideas when working with them to create a developmental gymnastics sequence; Healthy Living: show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours such as calling people names or excluding them; show respect for cultural and all other forms of diversity)
D3.2 Explain how a person’s actions, either in person or online, including making homophobic or other hurtful comments, can affect their own and others’ feelings, self-concept, mental health and emotional well-being, and reputation (e.g., negative actions such as name calling, making sexist or racist remarks, mocking appearance or ability, excluding others, bullying/cyberbullying, sexual harassment [including online activities such as making sexual comments, sharing sexual pictures, or asking for such pictures to be sent]; positive actions such as praising, supporting, including, and advocating) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
D1.1 Identify trusted people (e.g., parents, guardians, family members, neighbours, teachers, crossing guards, police, older students, coaches) and support services (e.g., help lines, including professional online chat support such as Kids Help Phone, youth or community hubs, 9-1-1, Telehealth, public health units, community mental health services, student services) that can assist with injury prevention, emotional distress, emergencies, bullying, non-consensual photo sharing and other non-consensual behaviour, and abusive and violent situations [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
D1.1 Identify trusted people (e.g., parents, guardians, family members, neighbours, teachers, crossing guards, police, older students, coaches) and support services (e.g., help lines, including professional online chat support such as Kids Help Phone, youth or community hubs, 9-1-1, Telehealth, public health units, community mental health services, student services) that can assist with injury prevention, emotional distress, emergencies, bullying, non-consensual photo sharing and other non-consensual behaviour, and abusive and violent situations [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
D1.1 Identify trusted people (e.g., parents, guardians, family members, neighbours, teachers, crossing guards, police, older students, coaches) and support services (e.g., help lines, including professional online chat support such as Kids Help Phone, youth or community hubs, 9-1-1, Telehealth, public health units, community mental health services, student services) that can assist with injury prevention, emotional distress, emergencies, bullying, non-consensual photo sharing and other non-consensual behaviour, and abusive and violent situations [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping]
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to deal with threatening situations by applying social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness skills, including self-monitoring, coping, and emotion-management skills; relationship skills, including conflict resolution skills; communication skills, including assertiveness and refusal skills) and safety strategies (e.g., having a plan and thinking before acting; looking confident, being aware of their surroundings and of people’s body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions; seeking help; drawing on cultural teachings, where appropriate, to analyse situations and develop responses) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.3 Motivation, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.3 Demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to addiction (e.g., smoking,* vaping, drug use, gambling, video game use) [A1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
D3.2 Explain how a person’s actions, either in person or online, including making homophobic or other hurtful comments, can affect their own and others’ feelings, self-concept, mental health and emotional well-being, and reputation (e.g., negative actions such as name calling, making sexist or racist remarks, mocking appearance or ability, excluding others, bullying/cyberbullying, sexual harassment [including online activities such as making sexual comments, sharing sexual pictures, or asking for such pictures to be sent]; positive actions such as praising, supporting, including, and advocating) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
D1.4 Identify people, resources, and services in the school and the community (e.g., mental health and addiction workers, family members, social workers, psychologists, community agencies, churches, mosques, synagogues, public health units, telephone help lines, recreation facilities) that can provide support when a person is dealing with mental health issues and choices or situations involving substance use and addictive behaviours, and describe how to access these supports [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: identify what they feel when participating in different activities – their energy level and level of engagement, for example – and describe how these feelings affect their enjoyment of the activities; Movement Competence: explain how their feelings differ when performing an activity that is fairly easy, such as stationary throwing and catching, and when doing something more challenging, such as throwing and catching a smaller object while on the move; Healthy Living: explain how feelings can impact eating habits and food choices and how a person’s awareness of this impact can help them make healthier choices)
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: explain why properly fitted helmets and well-secured straps on wheelchairs allow them to participate in physical activities with a greater sense of safety, comfort, security, and confidence; Movement Competence: use tactical solutions to improve play or alleviate discomfort, such as adjusting pace or stride when running; Healthy Living: when preparing to babysit a younger child, explain the strategies they might use to manage any challenging situations that could arise)
A1.5 Apply skills that help them develop self-awareness and self-confidence as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging (e.g., Active Living: identify which of the factors known to motivate participation in physical activity in most people are the strongest motivators for them; Movement Competence: assess their awareness of the technique they are using when catching throws of different speeds – are they remembering to move farther away when a ball is thrown hard and fast?; Healthy Living: reflect on how stereotypes affect their self-concept, and identify other factors, including acceptance by others, that influence their sense of themselves)
D1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnections between a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions, and of the potential impact of positive and negative thinking on mental health [A1.1 Emotions, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.5 Describe how they can build confidence and lay a foundation for healthy relationships by acquiring a clearer understanding of the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during adolescence (e.g., physical: voice changes, skin changes, body growth; social: changing social relationships, increasing influence of peers; emotional: increased intensity of feelings, new interest in relationships, confusion and questions about changes) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
D1.4 Identify people, resources, and services in the school and the community (e.g., mental health and addiction workers, family members, social workers, psychologists, community agencies, churches, mosques, synagogues, public health units, telephone help lines, recreation facilities) that can provide support when a person is dealing with mental health issues and choices or situations involving substance use and addictive behaviours, and describe how to access these supports [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.6 Make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and an understanding of the concept of consent to help build healthier relationships, using a variety of social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and identity skills; emotion management skills; critical and creative thinking skills; skills based on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultural teachings, such as medicine wheel teachings connected to the life cycle, the seven-grandfather teachings, or other cultural teachings) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 4 – Relationships
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: use encouraging words to support other students when participating in physical activities; show respect for the decisions and calls of teammates when they are serving as referees; Movement Competence: contribute ideas when working in a group to accomplish a collaborative task; Healthy Living: show awareness of how best to help others by asking questions and then helping in the way the person prefers; describe how you can let someone know how you feel about them in both verbal and non-verbal ways)
D1.1 Demonstrate ways of being inclusive, respectful, and accepting, and describe how this benefits everyone, including themselves [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.5 Describe how they can build confidence and lay a foundation for healthy relationships by acquiring a clearer understanding of the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during adolescence (e.g., physical: voice changes, skin changes, body growth; social: changing social relationships, increasing influence of peers; emotional: increased intensity of feelings, new interest in relationships, confusion and questions about changes) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.6 Make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and an understanding of the concept of consent to help build healthier relationships, using a variety of social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and identity skills; emotion management skills; critical and creative thinking skills; skills based on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultural teachings, such as medicine wheel teachings connected to the life cycle, the seven-grandfather teachings, or other cultural teachings) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.6 Make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and an understanding of the concept of consent to help build healthier relationships, using a variety of social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and identity skills; emotion management skills; critical and creative thinking skills; skills based on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultural teachings, such as medicine wheel teachings connected to the life cycle, the seven-grandfather teachings, or other cultural teachings) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
D3.2 Recognize the responsibilities and risks associated with caring for themselves and others (e.g., while babysitting, staying home alone, running errands for a senior relative or neighbour, caring for pets, volunteering in the community, assisting someone with a disability, preparing meals, travelling to and from school and other locations), and demonstrate an understanding of related safety practices and appropriate procedures for responding to dangerous situations (e.g., safe practices for preparing food; responses to allergic reactions, fire, sports injuries, dental emergencies, hypothermia, bullying, abuse) [A1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self , 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
D1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of the impacts of viewing sexually explicit media, including pornography (e.g., leads to a limited or distorted understanding of relationships; reinforces harmful gender norms; promotes an unrealistic or idealized body image)
D2.3 Apply social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and self-management skills, including anger management; communication skills, including listening skills and assertiveness skills) to promote positive interaction and avoid or manage conflict in social situations, in person or online (e.g., classroom groups, groups of friends, sports teams, school clubs, social media sites, online games) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.6 Make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and an understanding of the concept of consent to help build healthier relationships, using a variety of social-emotional learning skills (e.g., self-awareness and identity skills; emotion management skills; critical and creative thinking skills; skills based on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultural teachings, such as medicine wheel teachings connected to the life cycle, the seven-grandfather teachings, or other cultural teachings) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
D3.2 Recognize the responsibilities and risks associated with caring for themselves and others (e.g., while babysitting, staying home alone, running errands for a senior relative or neighbour, caring for pets, volunteering in the community, assisting someone with a disability, preparing meals, travelling to and from school and other locations), and demonstrate an understanding of related safety practices and appropriate procedures for responding to dangerous situations (e.g., safe practices for preparing food; responses to allergic reactions, fire, sports injuries, dental emergencies, hypothermia, bullying, abuse) [A1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: explain how their choice of physical activities can be influenced by whether they feel safe and comfortable with the people involved and the location or surroundings of the activity; Movement Competence: describe the impact of shared game time or shared play time on their own and others’ feelings and emotions; Healthy Living: recognize that feelings about family and peers can change at different times of their lives)
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: when trying to balance priorities – for instance, doing homework, spending time with family and friends, and being active every day – use organizational and time-management skills to prevent feeling overwhelmed; Movement Competence: identify what they do to manage stressful feelings during fast-paced territory games; Healthy Living: describe how to access different sources of support when dealing with mental health challenges or issues related to substance use)
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
A1.5 Apply skills that help them develop self-awareness and self-confidence as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging (e.g., Active Living: describe the role models that may have influenced some of their choices with respect to physical activity; consider what effect their family and their cultural background have had on the way they think about participation in physical activity or on their choice of activities; Movement Competence: when working on a challenging skill such as a weight transfer with rotation – like a cartwheel – explain how breaking down the skill into parts can help build awareness of what they need to work on to improve it; Healthy Living: describe ways in which they can monitor and stay aware of their own physical, emotional, and mental health)
D1.3 Explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent, the legal age of consent, and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in a healthy, loving relationship [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.2 Assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
D1.3 Explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent, the legal age of consent, and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in a healthy, loving relationship [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 4 – Friendship
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: make adjustments to activities that will allow all group members to be included and to enjoy participating; Movement Competence: show readiness to receive a pass in a game by moving into position, making eye contact, and holding a hand out to act as a target; when the other team scores in a game of handball, say something supportive, such as “Good try!”, to the goalie; Healthy Living: explain how appreciating the things that make each person unique can contribute to positive relationship building; practise effective responses to a homophobic or racial slur directed at them or another student)
D2.2 Assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 5 – Relationships
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: make adjustments to activities that will allow all group members to be included and to enjoy participating; Movement Competence: show readiness to receive a pass in a game by moving into position, making eye contact, and holding a hand out to act as a target; when the other team scores in a game of handball, say something supportive, such as “Good try!”, to the goalie; Healthy Living: explain how appreciating the things that make each person unique can contribute to positive relationship building; practise effective responses to a homophobic or racial slur directed at them or another student)
D1.3 Explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent, the legal age of consent, and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in a healthy, loving relationship [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self, 1.6 Thinking]
D2.2 Assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 6 – Online Record
D1.1 Describe benefits and dangers, for themselves and others, that are associated with the use of computers and other digital technologies (e.g., benefits: efficiency and time savings; increased access to information; improved communication, including global access; dangers: misuse of private information; negative impact on mental health, including possible social isolation, feelings of depression, and addiction; identity theft; cyberstalking; exposure to online predators, including those involved in sex trafficking and/or soliciting explicit sexual images; hearing damage and/or traffic injuries associated with earphone use; financial losses from online gambling), and identify protective responses [A1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
D2.2 Assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: when trying to balance priorities – for instance, doing homework, spending time with family and friends, and being active every day – use organizational and time-management skills to prevent feeling overwhelmed; Movement Competence: identify what they do to manage stressful feelings during fast-paced territory games; Healthy Living: describe how to access different sources of support when dealing with mental health challenges or issues related to substance use)
D2.2 Assess the potential impact on themselves and others of various types of bullying, abuse, exploitation, or harassment, including homophobic bullying or harassment and other forms of identity-based bullying, and of the type of coercion that can occur in connection with sexting and online activities, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.5 Self]
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
A1.1 Apply skills that help them identify and manage emotions as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to improve their ability to express their own feelings and understand and respond to the feelings of others (e.g., Active Living: give examples of how to communicate information clearly and concisely in an emergency situation while managing feelings associated with the situation; Movement Competence: explain how awareness of emotion, such as feeling nervous about having to make a key shot in curling, can impact performance; Healthy Living: explain how social media can create feelings of stress, and describe strategies that can help maintain balance and perspective)
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
A1.2 Apply skills that help them to recognize sources of stress and to cope with challenges, including help-seeking behaviours, as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of personal resilience (e.g., Active Living: manage their improvement of different health-related components of fitness by monitoring the frequency of their physical activity, the intensity of the activity, the types of activities they choose, and the length of time they are being active, and make connections between improving fitness levels and improving their ability to cope with stress; Movement Competence: use visualization strategies to increase success when applying principles of movement as they perform skills; Healthy Living: explain when daily healthy habits and coping strategies may not be enough to maintain mental health and when professional help may be required)
A1.3 Apply skills that help them develop habits of mind that support positive motivation and perseverance as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to promote a sense of optimism and hope (e.g., Active Living: show an understanding of how seeing improvements in fitness over time can impact their motivation to persevere in their efforts; Movement Competence: use tactics to increase success, and in that way contribute to motivation, when learning a new skill; Healthy Living: explain how a person might be more motivated to make healthy and safe choices if they know that one of the factors influencing decisions about sexual activity is having a sense of hope and optimism for the future)
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: cooperate with others by respecting their choice of activities; encourage others when participating in activities like cross-country running; Movement Competence: work with a partner to try out different types of passes to evade opponents; congratulate opponents with sincerity when they make a good play; Healthy Living: explain the positive aspects and the risks associated with close personal relationships and different levels of physical intimacy; make adjustments to suit particular audiences – parents, peers, younger students, community members – when communicating to promote healthy eating)
A1.5 Apply skills that help them develop self-awareness and self-confidence as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support the development of a sense of identity and a sense of belonging (e.g., Active Living: explain how knowing themselves – their likes, dislikes, strengths, abilities, and areas for growth – can help them determine which health-related and skill-related components of fitness to focus on when developing their fitness plan; Movement Competence: monitor improvements in their body control as they apply their understanding of the phases of movement – preparation, execution, follow-through – to the refinement of a variety of movement skills; Healthy Living: describe the importance of self-awareness in building an understanding of identity, including gender identity and sexual orientation)
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers (e.g., getting into a car with a stranger or an impaired, unlicensed, or inexperienced driver; dependencies or coercion in dating relationships; joining gangs; participating in violence; attending a party where alcohol or drugs are being used; using cosmetic procedures or treatments such as piercing, tattooing, crash diets, or tanning without exploring potential health risks; exposure to infectious diseases through direct contact, sneezing, or coughing), and apply strategies for avoiding dangerous situations [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
D3.3 Analyse the attractions and benefits associated with being in a healthy relationship (e.g., support, understanding, camaraderie, pleasure), as well as the benefits, risks, and drawbacks, for themselves and others, of relationships involving different degrees of sexual intimacy (e.g., hurt when relationships end or trust is broken; in more sexually intimate relationships, risk of STBBIs and related risk to future fertility, becoming a parent before you are ready, sexual harassment and exploitation; potential for dating violence) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
A1.4 Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity (e.g., Active Living: cooperate with others by respecting their choice of activities; encourage others when participating in activities like cross-country running; Movement Competence: work with a partner to try out different types of passes to evade opponents; congratulate opponents with sincerity when they make a good play; Healthy Living: explain the positive aspects and the risks associated with close personal relationships and different levels of physical intimacy; make adjustments to suit particular audiences – parents, peers, younger students, community members – when communicating to promote healthy eating)
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers (e.g., getting into a car with a stranger or an impaired, unlicensed, or inexperienced driver; dependencies or coercion in dating relationships; joining gangs; participating in violence; attending a party where alcohol or drugs are being used; using cosmetic procedures or treatments such as piercing, tattooing, crash diets, or tanning without exploring potential health risks; exposure to infectious diseases through direct contact, sneezing, or coughing), and apply strategies for avoiding dangerous situations [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
D3.3 Analyse the attractions and benefits associated with being in a healthy relationship (e.g., support, understanding, camaraderie, pleasure), as well as the benefits, risks, and drawbacks, for themselves and others, of relationships involving different degrees of sexual intimacy (e.g., hurt when relationships end or trust is broken; in more sexually intimate relationships, risk of STBBIs and related risk to future fertility, becoming a parent before you are ready, sexual harassment and exploitation; potential for dating violence) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
D2.2 Demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers (e.g., getting into a car with a stranger or an impaired, unlicensed, or inexperienced driver; dependencies or coercion in dating relationships; joining gangs; participating in violence; attending a party where alcohol or drugs are being used; using cosmetic procedures or treatments such as piercing, tattooing, crash diets, or tanning without exploring potential health risks; exposure to infectious diseases through direct contact, sneezing, or coughing), and apply strategies for avoiding dangerous situations [A1.2 Coping, 1.6 Thinking]
D3.2 Analyse the impact of violent behaviours, including bullying (online or in-person), violence in intimate and sexual relationships, and gender-based violence (e.g., violence against women, girls, people who are transgender or gender non-conforming) or racially based violence, on the person being targeted, the perpetrator, and bystanders, and describe the role of support services in preventing violence (e.g., help lines, school counsellors, social workers, youth programs, shelters, gay-straight student alliances) [A1.1 Emotions, 1.2 Coping, 1.4 Relationships, 1.6 Thinking]
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
C1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and risks of using electronic communication technologies (e.g., easy access to useful information and entertainment but also to harmful or undesirable information and entertainment, such as pornography; enhanced ability to stay in touch with friends but also increased possibility of exposure to sexual predators, bullying, and sexting; ability to communicate one’s thoughts and creative efforts to the rest of the world but also increased potential for loss of privacy), and describe strategies that they can apply to ensure their safety while using these technologies [IS, CT]
C1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of factors (e.g., acceptance, stigma, culture, religion, media, stereotypes, homophobia, self-image, self-awareness) that can influence a person’s understanding of their gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, intersex) and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify sources of support for all students [PS]
C2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the skills and strategies needed to build healthy social relationships (e.g., peer, school, family, work) and intimate relationships [PS, IS]
C2.3 Apply their knowledge of sexual health and safety, including a strong understanding of the concept of consent and sexual limits, and their decision-making skills to think in advance about their sexual health and sexuality [PS, CT]
C3.2 Identify warning signs and symptoms that could be related to mental health concerns (e.g., inability to cope with stress; feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, or worthlessness; negative thoughts about oneself, others, and the future; thoughts of suicide), and describe a variety of strat- egies for coping with or responding to mental health concerns affecting oneself or others (e.g., stress and mood management techniques, identifying ways to seek help for oneself or a friend/ classmate, supporting others who are struggling with their emotional well-being) [PS, IS]*
C3.3 Describe skills and strategies (e.g., communication, social, refusal, adaptive, and coping skills, con- flict resolution strategies) that can be used to prevent or respond to situations of verbal, physical, and social bullying and sexual harassment (e.g., gender-based violence, dating violence, domestic violence, homophobic comments, racial teasing or conflict, weight-based teasing, ostracising behaviour, coercive behaviour, inappropriate sexual behaviour) [PS, IS, CT]
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
C1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of factors that enhance mental health and emotional and spiritual well-being [PS, IS]
C2.3 Demonstrate the ability to analyse situations involving conflict within oneself (e.g., moral and ethical struggles, decision-making problems) or conflict with others (e.g., arguments, fights) and apply appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., for conflict within oneself: meditation, journal writing, seeking counselling, talking with a trusted adult or friend; for conflict with others: applying de-escalation techniques such as using calming words or taking a break to defuse a tense situation, getting support to respond to dating violence, seeking help from a person in authority) [PS, IS, CT]
C2.5 Describe factors that influence sexual decision making (e.g., personal values, having limits and being able to communicate them, being aware of and respecting the limits set by others, peer and family expectations, having physical and emotional desires, media messages, myths and norms related to sexual activity or safer sex practices, participation in activities such as substance use that impair judgement), and demonstrate an understanding of how to use decision-making and communication skills effectively to support choices related to responsible and healthy sexuality [PS, IS, CT]
C3.2 Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety risks in their physical and personal environment, and describe practices and behaviours that can be promoted to minimize the exposure of themselves and others to these risks (e.g., thinking in advance of the consequences of actions; getting reliable information; following health practices such as handwashing to reduce risks associated with the spread of infectious diseases; staying hydrated; observing road safety rules while biking and walking; avoiding distractions such as using headphones while cycling and walking; listening to music at safe volumes to avoid hearing damage; using insect repellent; wearing a helmet when skiing, snowboarding, or tobogganing) [PS]
C3.4 Describe some common misconceptions about sexuality in our culture, and explain how these may cause harm to people and how they can be responded to critically and fairly [CT]
C3.5 Explain how being in an exclusive relationship with another person affects them and their relations with others (e.g., personal benefits such as learning about oneself, emotional comfort and security, sense of belonging; impact on peer relationships, family relationships, time management, homework, choice of activities; feelings and challenges involved in ending a relationship) [PS, IS, CT]
Outcome Matrices: Prince Edward Island
Based on the Prince Edward Island Kindergarten Integrated Curriculum (Health and Physical Development, 2008) and Health Curriculum (Grades 1 to 3, 2006; Grades 4 to 6, 2009; Grades 7 to 9, 2007), and Wellness Curriculum (Grade 10, 2014)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
3.1 Understand that feelings and emotions are expressed in words, actions and facial/body expressions
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
2.5 Apply basic safety rules
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
2.5 Apply basic safety rules
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
2.5 Apply basic safety rules
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
2.5 Apply basic safety rules
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
2.4 Recognize and discuss safe and unsafe situations
2.5 Apply basic safety rules
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
R-1.1 Recognize and demonstrate various ways to express feelings
R-1.2 Identify physiological responses to feelings
R-1.3 Identify positive and negative feelings associated with stress/change
R-1.4 Compare and contrast positive and negative nonverbal communication and associated feelings
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
W-1.7 Describe actions to use in unsafe or abusive situations
W-1.10 Demonstrate how to seek emergency help using 911
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
R-1.3 Identify positive and negative feelings associated with stress/change
W-1.7 Describe actions to use in unsafe or abusive situations
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
W-1.7 Describe actions to use in unsafe or abusive situations
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
R-1.5 Identify characteristics of being a good friend
W-1.9 Describe appropriate safety behaviours in and around a school building and on and around a school playground
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
R-1.1 Recognize and demonstrate various ways to express feelings
R-1.2 Identify physiological responses to feelings
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
R-2.1 Recognize that individuals make choices about how to express feelings
R-2.2 Become aware that the safe expression of feelings is healthy
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
R-2.3 Develop communication strategies to express needs and seek support
W-2.6 Describe and apply communication safety behaviour at home
W-2.8 Identify members of personal safety support networks and how to access assistance
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
R-2.6 Demonstrate an age appropriate conflict resolution strategy
W-2.6 Describe and apply communication safety behaviour at home
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
W-2.6 Describe and apply communication safety behaviour at home
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
R-2.4 Demonstrate ways to show appreciation to friends and others
R-2.5 Demonstrate behaviours that show respect for others
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
R-2.3 Develop communication strategies to express needs and seek support
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
W-3.8 Employ practices that provide safety for self and others
W-3.9 Describe and analyze appropriate safety behaviours in the local community
Lesson 2 – Emotions
R-3.1 Recognize the effects of sharing positive feelings on self and others
R-3.2 Demonstrate safe and appropriate ways for sharing and/or expressing feelings through words and behaviour
R-3.5 Develop effective communication skills and strategies to express feelings
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
W-3.9 Describe and analyze appropriate safety behaviours in the local community
W-3.10 Describe and apply age appropriate behaviours when encountering an emergency
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
R-3.4 Develop strategies to deal with stress and change
W-3.7 Identify strategies to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
Lesson 5 – Friendship
R-3.6 Develop strategies to build and enhance friendships
W-3.7 Identify strategies to avoid being bullied in different case scenarios
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
R-3.4 Develop strategies to deal with stress and change
R-3.5 Develop effective communication skills and strategies to express feelings
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
W-3.8 Employ practices that provide safety for self and others
W-3.9 Describe and analyze appropriate safety behaviours in the local community
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
W-3.9 Describe and analyze appropriate safety behaviours in the local community
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
W-4.7 Expand practices that provide safety for self and others
W-4.9 Describe and demonstrate ways to assist with the safety of others
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
R-4.1 Recognize that individuals can have a positive and negative influence on the feelings of others
R-4.2 Identify and use short-term strategies for managing anger
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
R-4.6 Identify and describe ways to provide support to others
R-4.7 Demonstrate an understanding of effective communication skills and behaviours to reduce escalation of conflict
Lesson 4 – Friendship
R-4.4 Describe and demonstrate communication skills and behaviours that show respect for the feelings of others
R-4.5 Identify changes that may occur in friendships, and explore strategies to deal with changes
W-4.9 Describe and demonstrate ways to assist with the safety of others
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
L-4.3 Demonstrate effective decision making
W-4.7 Expand practices that provide safety for self and others
W-4.9 Describe and demonstrate ways to assist with the safety of others
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
W-4.7 Expand practices that provide safety for self and others
W-4.9 Describe and demonstrate ways to assist with the safety of others
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
W-4.7 Expand practices that provide safety for self and others
W-4.9 Describe and demonstrate ways to assist with the safety of others
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
W-5.7 Promote safety practices in the school and community
Lesson 2 – Emotions
R-5.1 Recognize that certain behaviours may mask underlying feelings
R-5.2 Identify and use long-term strategies for managing feelings
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
W-5.7 Promote safety practices in the school and community
W-5.8 Determine appropriate safety behaviours for community recreational situations
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
W-5.6 Identify personal boundaries, and recognize that boundaries vary depending on the nature of relationship, situation, and culture
Lesson 5 – Friendship
R-5.4 Practise effective communication skills
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
R-5.7 Apply mediation skills when resolving conflicts
W-5.7 Promote safety practices in the school and community
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
W-5.7 Promote safety practices in the school and community
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
W-5.6 Identify personal boundaries, and recognize that boundaries vary depending on the nature of relationship, situation, and culture
W-5.7 Promote safety practices in the school and community
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
W-6.7 Evaluate the impact of personal behaviour on the safety of self and others
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
R-6.1 Recognize that individuals can choose their own emotional reactions to events and thoughts
R-6.2 Establish personal guidelines for expressing feelings
W-6.9 Describe physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
R-6.6 Develop strategies to maintain and enhance appropriate cross-age relationships
W-6.8 Demonstrate responsibility for, and skills related to, the safety of self and others
Lesson 4 – Relationships
R-6.5 Develop and demonstrate strategies to build and enhance relationships in the family
R-6.6 Develop strategies to maintain and enhance appropriate cross-age relationships
R-6.8 Analyse the influence of groups and cliques on self and others
W-6.5 Identify and communicate values and beliefs that affect healthy choices
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
R-6.3 Develop personal strategies for dealing with stress and change
W-6.5 Identify and communicate values and beliefs that affect healthy choices
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
R-6.6 Develop strategies to maintain and enhance appropriate cross-age relationships
W-6.8 Demonstrate responsibility for, and skills related to, the safety of self and others
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
W-6.7 Evaluate the impact of personal behaviour on the safety of self and others
W-6.8 Demonstrate responsibility for, and skills related to, the safety of self and others
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
R-6.7 Apply a variety of strategies for resolving conflict
W-6.7 Evaluate the impact of personal behaviour on the safety of self and others
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
R-7.1 Analyse how thinking patterns influence feelings
R-7.2 Demonstrate an understanding for short-term and long-term support for emotional concerns
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
W-7.7 Analyse differing personal perspectives on safety
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
R-7.7 Identify strategies for dealing assertively with conflict
W-7.7 Analyse differing personal perspectives on safety
Lesson 4 – Friendships
R-7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
R-7.7 Identify strategies for dealing assertively with conflict
Lesson 5 – Relationships
R-7.3 Identify sources of stress in relationships, and describe positive methods of dealing with such stressors
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
R-7.7 Identify strategies for dealing assertively with conflict
W-7.11 Analyse the influences on personal decision making for responsible sexual behaviour
Lesson 6 – Online Record
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
R-7.7 Identify strategies for dealing assertively with conflict
W-7.6 Demonstrate an understanding of the concept and possible consequences of various forms of harassment
W-7.7 Analyse differing personal perspectives on safety
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
R-7.5 Examine the characteristics of healthy relationships, and develop strategies to build and enhance them
W-7.7 Analyse differing personal perspectives on safety
W-7.8 Identify characteristics of resiliency
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
R-8.1 Describe characteristics of persistent negative feeling states
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
R-8.1 Describe characteristics of persistent negative feeling states
R-8.3 Evaluate the relationship between risk management and stress management
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
R-8.5 Describe strategies for maintaining healthy relationships
R-8.6 Describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in relationships
R-8.7 Develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting peaceful relationships
W-8.8 Identify potentially unsafe situations, and begin to develop strategies to reduce risk
W-8.13 Determine the signs, methods, and consequences of various types of abuse
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
R-8.5 Describe strategies for maintaining healthy relationships
R-8.6 Describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in relationships
R-8.7 Develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting peaceful relationships
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
W-8.1 Examine the relationship between choices and resulting consequences
W-8.8 Identify potentially unsafe situations, and begin to develop strategies to reduce risk
W-8.13 Determine the signs, methods, and consequences of various types of abuse
W-8.15 Demonstrate an understanding of responsibilities and consequences associated with being sexually active
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
W-9.10 Apply coping strategies when experiencing different rates of physical, emotional, sexual, and social development
W-9.11 Identify the four basic types of sexual assault
W-9.12 Describe the consequences of sexual assault on a victim and those people associated with that victim
W-9.13 Determine “safer” sex practices
R-9.1 Identify and categorize various types of abuse
R-9.2 Develop an awareness of the warning signs of abusive relationships and available community support
R-9.3 Distinguish between abusive relationships and healthy relationships
R-9.4 Gain an understanding of the complex societal and individual factors that perpetuate abuse
R-9.5 Identify safe and effective alternatives to abusive behvaiour
R-9.6 Determine effective support for a friend who may be involved in an abusive relationship, as a victim or as an abuser
L-9.3 Use decision making skills to select appropriate risk taking activities for personal growth and empowerment
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
W1 Evaluate one’s self in each dimension of wellness.
W5 Assess one’s own self-awareness and self-management for the purpose of enhancing personal well-being and the well-being of others.
W6 Model safety and injury prevention practices.
W9 Assess how relationships influence all dimensions of wellness.
Outcome Matrices: Quebec
Based on the Québec Education Program – Preschool Education for 4-year-olds (2017), Preschool Education (2006), Physical Education and Health (elementary and secondary, 2006) and Sexuality Education (2018)
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Give examples of what you can express and feel with your body
- Feeling: five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing), emotions, sensations (pleasant or unpleasant)
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Emotional development
- Recognizes his/her personal characteristics
- Expresses his/her emotions
- Regulates his/her emotions
Language development
Oral language
- Interacts verbally and non-verbally
- Demonstrates his/her understanding
- Expands his/her vocabulary
- Expresses himself/herself orally in different ways
Preschool Education
Emotional and Social Strategies
- Paying attention
Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies
- Observing
- Classifying
- Comparing
- Memorizing
- Using the right words
- Questioning and self-questioning
- Evaluating
Learnings Related to Emotional Development
- Feelings (e.g. joy, rage, fear)
Learnings Related to Social Development
- Social skills: politeness (e.g. greetings, please and thank you); attitudes expressed verbally and nonverbally (e.g. smiling, looking at people when they are speaking, congratulating); cooperative actions (e.g. encouraging others, offering help, sharing); participatory actions (e.g. distributing things, putting things away)
Lesson 2 – Identifying a grown-up who you can go to for help
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Give examples of what you can express and feel with your body
- Sharing your needs and wishes with others (e.g. friends, adults in your life, etc.): expressing yourself when sensations and feelings are pleasant or unpleasant; saying no and talking to an adult when you do not like a physical contact or being touched, or when you feel uncomfortable; talking with someone when you are not sure about something or when you feel the need.
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Healthy lifestyle habits
- Learns about safety factors in his/her environment
Social development
Sense of belonging
- Creates connections with adults
Social skills
- Makes contact with others
Preschool Education
Learnings Related to Emotional Development
- Personal data (e.g. date of birth, telephone number, address, family)
Lesson 3 – Naming body parts
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Identify the parts of the body
- External parts: arms, head, buttocks, etc.
- External sexual parts: vulva, breasts, penis, scrotum, testicles
- Concept of private parts
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Psychomotor skills
- Develops an awareness of his/her body
Emotional development
- Recognizes his/her personal characteristics
Language development
Oral language
- Interacts verbally and non-verbally
- Demonstrates his/her understanding
- Expands his/her vocabulary
Preschool Education
Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies
- Observing
- Classifying
- Comparing
- Memorizing
- Using the right words
- Questioning and self-questioning
Learnings Related to Sensory and Motor Development
- The parts of the body (e.g. eyebrows, throat) and their characteristics (e.g. brown eyes, short hair), functions (e.g. breathing, walking) and reactions (e.g. skin becomes red when exposed to sun)
Lesson 4 – Okay and not okay touching
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Give examples of what you can express and feel with your body
- Sharing your needs and wishes with others (e.g. friends, adults in your life, etc.): expressing yourself when sensations and feelings are pleasant or unpleasant; saying no and talking to an adult when you do not like a physical contact or being touched, or when you feel uncomfortable; talking with someone when you are not sure about something or when you feel the need.
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Psychomotor skills
- Explores his/her sensory perceptions
- Develops an awareness of his/her body
Healthy lifestyle habits
- Learns about safety factors in his/her environment
Social development
Social skills
- Gradually assimilates rules of conduct
- Regulates his/her behaviour
Preschool Education
Motor and Psychomotor Strategies
- Discovering his/her sensory potential
Emotional and Social Strategies
- Controlling his/her impulses
- Paying attention
Learnings Related to Sensory and Motor Development
- The five senses—taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing—and characteristics associated with them (e.g. salty, rough), their functions (e.g. seeing, hearing)
Learnings Related to Social Development
- Rules of conduct (e.g. individual rights and responsibilities)
Lesson 5 – The buddy system
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Healthy lifestyle habits
- Learns about safety factors in his/her environment
Social development
Sense of belonging
- Creates connections with the other children
- Creates connections with adults
- Participates in group activities
Social skills
- Makes contact with others
Cognitive development
Thinking skills
- Uses his/her reasoning skills
Preschool Education
Learnings Related to Social Development
- Social skills: politeness (e.g. greetings, please and thank you); attitudes expressed verbally and nonverbally (e.g. smiling, looking at people when they are speaking, congratulating); cooperative actions (e.g. encouraging others, offering help, sharing); participatory actions (e.g. distributing things, putting things away)
- Rules of conduct (e.g. individual rights and responsibilities)
Lesson 6 – If asked to go and your parents don’t know, shout no!
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Healthy lifestyle habits
- Learns about safety factors in his/her environment
Social development
Sense of belonging
- Creates connections with adults
Social skills
- Gradually assimilates rules of conduct
- Makes contact with others
- Regulates his/her behaviour
Language development
Oral language
- Interacts verbally and non-verbally
- Demonstrates his/her understanding
- Expresses himself/herself orally in different ways
Cognitive development
Thinking skills
- Uses his/her reasoning skills
Preschool Education
Learnings Related to Emotional Development
- Actions demonstrating responsibility (e.g. transmitting a message, putting away his/her toys, taking care of equipment)
Learnings Related to Social Development
- Social skills: politeness (e.g. greetings, please and thank you); attitudes expressed verbally and nonverbally (e.g. smiling, looking at people when they are speaking, congratulating); cooperative actions (e.g. encouraging others, offering help, sharing); participatory actions (e.g. distributing things, putting things away)
- Rules of conduct (e.g. individual rights and responsibilities)
Lesson 7 – What to do when lost
Preschool Education Program for 4-Year-Olds
Physical and motor development
Healthy lifestyle habits
- Learns about safety factors in his/her environment
Cognitive development
Thinking skills
- Uses his/her reasoning skills
Preschool Education
Emotional and Social Strategies
- Finding ways to overcome difficulties and resolve conflicts
Learnings Related to Social Development
- Conflict management (e.g. explanation of the problem, solutions, compromises, making amends)
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Understand what sexuality is
- With your heart: emotions, feelings and how they are expressed
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Lesson 2 – A grown-up you can go to for help
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize situations of sexual assault and ways of protecting yourself
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Lesson 3 – Boundaries – How to be safe
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize situations of sexual assault and ways of protecting yourself
- Self-protection skills: do not go with someone you do not know, make sure your parents know where you are, remove yourself from a place or situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, etc.
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Lesson 4 – Keep and speak secrets
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize situations of sexual assault and ways of protecting yourself
- Self-protection skills: do not go with someone you do not know, make sure your parents know where you are, remove yourself from a place or situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, etc.
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Lesson 5 – The buddy system
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize situations of sexual assault and ways of protecting yourself
- Self-protection skills: do not go with someone you do not know, make sure your parents know where you are, remove yourself from a place or situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, etc.
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 6 – Trust your instincts
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize situations of sexual assault and ways of protecting yourself
- Self-protection skills: do not go with someone you do not know, make sure your parents know where you are, remove yourself from a place or situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, etc.
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Recognize the various feelings that can be experienced in interpersonal relationships
- Range of feelings toward the people in your life: parents, family, friends, others
- Positive feelings: love, trust, respect, loyalty, solidarity, etc.
- Negative feelings: jealousy, disappointment, sadness, guilt, etc.
Emotional and Romantic Life – Discuss the different ways you can express your feelings to those you love
- Depending on the person
- Depending on the feelings
- Actions and attitudes that express feelings
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Lesson 2 – Identifying a safe grown-up
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Lesson 3 – Safety awareness
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 4 – The buddy system
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 5 – Crossing boundaries
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 6 – Keep and speak secrets
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven root safety strategies
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Difficulty applying safety rules in certain situations
- Seeking solutions: strategies to help you apply safety rules, identifying the people you can confide in
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Methods of communication
- Sound signals, touch, visual signals, verbal cues
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Positive emotions)
Lesson 3 – Identifying a safe grown-up
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Seeking solutions: strategies to help you apply safety rules, identifying the people you can confide in
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Lesson 4 – Personal boundaries and assertiveness
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Seeking solutions: strategies to help you apply safety rules, identifying the people you can confide in
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that there are different aspects to sexuality
- Around you: interpersonal relationships, awareness of messages in your environment on sexuality, awareness of rules and expectations that can influence your decisions, personal choices, search for adequate information on sexuality
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Lesson 6 – Keep and speak secrets
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize the different forms of sexual assault
- Forms of sexual assault: sexual contact or inviting sexual touching, exhibitionism and voyeurism, exposure to sexually explicit material
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 7 – The buddy system
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Difficulty applying safety rules in certain situations
- Seeking solutions: strategies to help you apply safety rules, identifying the people you can confide in
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 8 – Online safety
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Recognize the different forms of sexual assault
- Forms of sexual assault: sexual contact or inviting sexual touching, exhibitionism and voyeurism, exposure to sexually explicit material
Sexual Assault – Develop your ability to apply safety rules to prevent a situation that puts you at risk or to deal with a situation of sexual assault
- Applying self-protection and self-defence skills: assert yourself, say no, scream, run away, look for help
- Difficulty applying safety rules in certain situations
- Seeking solutions: strategies to help you apply safety rules, identifying the people you can confide in
- Reporting an incident: talking to someone if you do not feel comfortable with a situation, being familiar with the network of resources that can help you, asking for help until an adult listens and helps
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven root safety strategies
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 2 – How we feel and how we act
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Share your feelings about growing up
- Positive feelings: pride, excitement, independence
- Concerns or negative feelings: unease, embarrassment, shame
Emotional and Romantic Life – Understanding how certain attitudes and behaviours can influence interpersonal relationships
- Behaviours that make it easier to get along with one another: acceptance of diversity, concern for others, empathy, commitment, responsibility, respect, mutual assistance, communication, dealing with misunderstandings and conflicts
- Behaviours that make it harder to get along with one another: rumours, bullying, jealousy, control
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Methods of communication
- Sound signals, touch, visual signals, verbal cues
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Positive emotions)
Lesson 3 – Expanding the circle of protection around children
Sexuality Education
Sexual Growth and Body Image – Share your feelings about growing up
- Sharing of feelings with people you trust
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 4 – Friendship
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Discuss your representations of love and friendship
- Definition and perceptions of friendship and love
- Characteristics of a friend and the importance of friendships
Emotional and Romantic Life – Understanding how certain attitudes and behaviours can influence interpersonal relationships
- Behaviours that make it easier to get along with one another: acceptance of diversity, concern for others, empathy, commitment, responsibility, respect, mutual assistance, communication, dealing with misunderstandings and conflicts
- Behaviours that make it harder to get along with one another: rumours, bullying, jealousy, control
- Aspirations for your interpersonal relationships
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Lesson 5 – Common lures
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 6 – Home alone
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 7 – Online safety
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven root safety strategies
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Look at different contexts that involve sexual assault with a view to preventing them
- Real-world situations involving someone you know well, not very well or not at all (recreational activities, outings or activities with friends, people around you, public places, etc.)
- Virtual-world situations: someone you know and spend time with, someone you do not know, using the Internet with friends
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
- Seeking solutions: asking trusted adults for help, protecting your friends by preventing or telling an adult about a situation of sexual assault in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 2 – Emotions
Physical Education and Health
Competency 1 – To perform movement skills in different physical activity settings
Types of activities
- Rhythmic and expressive activities (aerobics, mime, etc.)
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Methods of communication
- Sound signals, touch, visual signals, verbal cues
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Positive emotions)
Lesson 3 – Circle of protection
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
- Seeking solutions: asking trusted adults for help, protecting your friends by preventing or telling an adult about a situation of sexual assault in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
- Seeking solutions: asking trusted adults for help, protecting your friends by preventing or telling an adult about a situation of sexual assault in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 5 – Friendship
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Look at different contexts that involve sexual assault with a view to preventing them
- Real-world situations involving someone you know well, not very well or not at all (recreational activities, outings or activities with friends, people around you, public places, etc.)
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Seeking solutions: asking trusted adults for help, protecting your friends by preventing or telling an adult about a situation of sexual assault in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Lesson 6 – Common lures
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Look at different contexts that involve sexual assault with a view to preventing them
- Real-world situations involving someone you know well, not very well or not at all (recreational activities, outings or activities with friends, people around you, public places, etc.)
- Virtual-world situations: someone you know and spend time with, someone you do not know, using the Internet with friends
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 7 – Home alone
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 8 – Online safety
Sexuality Education
Sexual Assault – Look at different contexts that involve sexual assault with a view to preventing them
- Virtual-world situations: someone you know and spend time with, someone you do not know, using the Internet with friends
Sexual Assault – Become aware that the rules to ensure your personal safety can apply to different contexts
- Using self-protection and self-defence skills appropriate to the situation: identifying strategies used by aggressors, determining what information can be safely shared in the real or virtual world, avoiding meeting with someone you do not know in the real or virtual world, reacting against sexual solicitation in the real or virtual world
- Seeking solutions: asking trusted adults for help, protecting your friends by preventing or telling an adult about a situation of sexual assault in the real or virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven root safety strategies
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Ethics-related aspects
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 2 – Emotional range
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that sexuality is experienced and expressed through five dimensions
- Psychoaffective dimension: feelings and emotions, romantic awakening, body image, need for independence
Physical Education and Health
Competency 1 – To perform movement skills in different physical activity settings
Types of activities
- Rhythmic and expressive activities (aerobics, mime, etc.)
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Methods of communication
- Sound signals, touch, visual signals, verbal cues
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Positive emotions)
Stress management
Lesson 3 – Circle of protection
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 4 – Relationships
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that sexuality is experienced and expressed through five dimensions
- Interpersonal dimension: interpersonal relationships, communication, mutuality
Emotional and Romantic Life – Express any questions you have about romantic and sexual awakening
- Attitudes and feelings about these new phenomena: individual variations
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
- Being receptive to others’ messages
Types of movements or actions
- Cooperation: helping, collaborating, interpreting, communicating, etc.
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Regular physical activity
- Social benefits (Improvement of interpersonal relations or maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relations)
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. unhealthy boundaries
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that sexuality is experienced and expressed through five dimensions
- Socio-cultural dimension: norms, rules for living together, expectations, stereotypes
- Interpersonal dimension: interpersonal relationships, communication, mutuality
Physical Education and Health
Competency 2 – To interact with others in different physical activity settings
Principles of communication
- Being understood by the person with whom one is interacting
Ethics-related aspects
- Respect for peers, rules, the referee
- Dignity and self-control
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
Lesson 6 – Common lures
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 7 – Online safety
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Express any questions you have about romantic and sexual awakening
- Images and messages from your social environment and the media
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ safety
Physical Education and Health
Competency 3 – To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle
Safe participation in physical activity
- Behaviours to adopt in potentially dangerous situations
- Safety rules to observe in different settings
Secondary 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Healthy lifestyle habits – Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Mental relaxation, Positive emotions)
Healthy lifestyle habits – Sleep
- Psychological well-being
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Principles of communication – Communication of misleading messages appropriate to the activity
Nonlocomotor skills – Turning, pivoting, pirouetting, adopting postures
Lesson 2 – Identifying personal boundaries
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that during adolescence, you will gradually adopt new roles and behaviours related to your sexuality and increasingly make your own decisions
- Construction of a vision and personal choices: wishes, needs, limits and the ability to consider those of others, whether or not to follow various gender stereotypes and social norms, strategies for finding information and help
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Code of ethics
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Lesson 3 – How to set personal boundaries
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that during adolescence, you will gradually adopt new roles and behaviours related to your sexuality and increasingly make your own decisions
- Construction of a vision and personal choices: wishes, needs, limits and the ability to consider those of others, whether or not to follow various gender stereotypes and social norms, strategies for finding information and help
Physical Education and Health
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Lesson 4 – Friendships
Physical Education and Health
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Conflict management
Lesson 5 – Relationships
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that during adolescence, you will gradually adopt new roles and behaviours related to your sexuality and increasingly make your own decisions
- Sexuality and its dimensions: biological, psychoaffective, socio-cultural, interpersonal, moral
Emotional and Romantic Life - Become aware of the role of feelings of love and attraction in adolescence
- Similarities and differences between feelings of friendship, love and attraction
Physical Education and Health
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Lesson 6 – Online record
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
- Effects on physical capacity
Lesson 7 – Getting out of unhealthy situations
Sexuality Education
Comprehensive View of Sexuality – Become aware that during adolescence, you will gradually adopt new roles and behaviours related to your sexuality and increasingly make your own decisions
- Construction of a vision and personal choices: wishes, needs, limits and the ability to consider those of others, whether or not to follow various gender stereotypes and social norms, strategies for finding information and help
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Secondary 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying feelings
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Become aware of the challenges involved in first dating relationship
- Nature and intensity of feelings of friendship, love and attraction
- Challenge of breaking up and heartbreak: feelings experienced and situations that arise after the breakup
Sexual Behaviour – Recognize what can inform your choices concerning sexual behaviour in adolescence
- Knowing yourself: attitudes toward sexual behaviours (e.g. masturbation, touching, kissing, embracing), feelings, motivations, expectations, needs and limits
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Healthy lifestyle habits – Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Mental relaxation, Positive emotions)
Healthy lifestyle habits – Sleep
- Psychological well-being
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Principles of communication – Communication of misleading messages appropriate to the activity
Nonlocomotor skills – Turning, pivoting, pirouetting, adopting postures
Lesson 2 – How we think, how we feel
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Become aware of the challenges involved in first dating relationship
- Challenge of breaking up and heartbreak: feelings experienced and situations that arise after the breakup
- Search for help and solutions to meet the challenges: people around you, school personnel, health professionals
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Healthy lifestyle habits – Regular physical activity
- Psychological benefits (Mental relaxation, Positive emotions)
Healthy lifestyle habits – Sleep
- Psychological well-being
Stress management techniques – Relaxation techniques
- Mental imagery
- Breathing techniques
Acceptance of differences
Lesson 3 – Identifying healthy and unhealthy personal boundaries
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Become aware of the challenges involved in first dating relationship
- The relationship itself: divergent expectations, needs, motivations and limits of the partners
Sexual Behaviour – Recognize what can inform your choices concerning sexual behaviour in adolescence
- Knowing yourself: attitudes toward sexual behaviours (e.g. masturbation, touching, kissing, embracing), feelings, motivations, expectations, needs and limits
- Relationship with your partner: nature and intensity of shared feelings, comfort and trust felt with your partner, ability to respect the needs and limits of your partner
- Self-assertion and negotiation
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Code of ethics
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Lesson 4 – Dating relationships
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life - Engage in a critical reflection on adolescent romantic relationships
- Characteristics of the couples around you and those presented in the media
- Characteristics of romantic relationships in adolescence
Sexual Behaviour – Recognize what can inform your choices concerning sexual behaviour in adolescence
- Anticipation of positive or negative implications concerning situations of sexual behaviour, including those involving the use of technology
- Real or perceived pressure from peers and the media, including sexually explicit material
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence – Understand your own position on the notion of consent and its application in order to recognize a situation of sexual assault
- Notion of consent: age difference, reasons for accepting or refusing a sexual behaviour, validity of consent and situations in which consent is not possible, real or perceived sexual pressure, in the virtual world
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
- Effects on physical capacity
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What teens need to know
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Become aware of the challenges involved in first dating relationship
- Search for help and solutions to meet the challenges: people around you, school personnel, health professionals
Sexual Behaviour – Recognize what can inform your choices concerning sexual behaviour in adolescence
- Anticipation of positive or negative implications concerning situations of sexual behaviour, including those involving the use of technology
- Real or perceived pressure from peers and the media, including sexually explicit material
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence – Understand your own position on the notion of consent and its application in order to recognize a situation of sexual assault
- Notion of consent: age difference, reasons for accepting or refusing a sexual behaviour, validity of consent and situations in which consent is not possible, real or perceived sexual pressure, in the virtual world
- Contexts: situations (e.g. isolation, drug or alcohol consumption, relationship of authority that makes refusal difficult, fear of upsetting the person), rights
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Rules related to activities – Safety rules
Detrimental lifestyle habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
- Effects on physical capacity
Principles of communication – Recognition of messages
Principles of communication – Communication of clear messages (acoustic or visual signals, verbal cues, touch) appropriate to the activity
Secondary 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Sexuality Education
Identity, Gender Stereotypes and Roles, and Social Norms – Analyze different representations of sexuality in the public space
- Messages and images in media: advertising, reality TV, movies, music, social media and other interactive technologies, Internet, sexually explicit material
- Comparison of messages in the media and those conveyed by the people around you (peers, family, school)
Emotional and Romantic Life – Become aware of the benefits of a romantic relationship based on mutuality
- Consideration of each partner’s needs: to love and be loved, to assert yourself and be listened to, to recognize the other and be recognized, to feel safe, to have space for yourself and leave space for your partner in the relationship, to respect your sexual needs and those of your partner
- Emotional intimacy: reciprocal feelings of sharing, caring for your partner and feeling cared about, trust and emotional closeness
Emotional and Romantic Life – Identify the importance of healthy conflict management in a romantic relationship
- Difficulties in a romantic relationship: sharing time between your friends and your partner, difficulty in assuming your sexual orientation, jealousy, cheating, violence
- Behaviours that promote conflict resolution: listening, communication of feelings, proposal of mutually satisfying solutions, compromise, seeking of help from the people around you and from school personnel
- Strategies to adopt when conflicts persist: seeking help from the people around you, school personnel and health professionals
Sexual Behaviour – Reflect on the importance of desire and pleasure in sexual behaviour
- Questions and concerns regarding sexual behaviours
- Place of psychological and physical pleasure: positive feelings that go with sexual behaviours (feelings of closeness, intimacy, well-being), sexual response (desire, arousal, orgasm, relaxation)
Sexual Behaviour – Become aware of the factors that can influence sexual relations in adolescence
- Context: romantic involvement or non-committed relationship (casual sex, friendship with benefits, one-night stand), planned or spontaneous, protected or unprotected relations, relational dynamics (interdependence or control), consent
- External motivations: to keep up with your peers in terms of experimentation, to escape from your problems, to keep your partner, to please someone else, to impress others, to be popular, to reject parental norms, to acquire social status, to avoid conflict
- Conditions for enjoyable sexual relations: to express your needs and limits (sense of self-efficacy), to respect them and respect those of the other person, to confront obstacles (perception of control: being able to stop sexual relations at any time if they are no longer desired), to be able to talk about it with someone you trust (people around you, school personnel, health professional), as needed
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence – Become aware of the active role you can play in preventing or reporting a situation of sexual assault
- Situations requiring the use of self-protection skills: with a friend, an acquaintance, a romantic partner or ex-partner, a stranger in the real or virtual world
- Factors of vulnerability in each situation
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence – Understand the experience of people who are victims of sexual assault in order to react appropriately if a friend confides in you
- Helpful attitudes: listening, empathy, non-judgmental attitude, believing the person, confidentiality, not insisting on hearing details of the assault, referral to a person who may be able to help (person at school or an organization)
- Resources that can help: at school, in the community
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Lifestyle Habits – Healthy lifestyle: stress prevention and management
- Types of stress and impact on daily life
Lifestyle Habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
Help and Mutual Assistance
Acceptance of Differences
Secondary 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
Sexuality Education
Emotional and Romantic Life – Recognize the signs of violence in a dating relationship
- Warning signs: feeling that something is not right, feeling controlled or manipulated, feeling cut off from the outside world
- Occurrences of violence: verbal, psychological, sexual, physical
- Mutual violence
- People concerned, regardless of gender: victims, perpetuators or witnesses of violence
Emotional and Romantic Life – Search for solutions to prevent or stop violence in the context of a dating relationship
- Social support: seeking help from people close to you, listening to a friend who confides in you, reporting a situation of violence
- Empowerment: listening to yourself and trusting your intuition, taking your time before entering into a relationship, considering ending a relationship, ending the relationship
Sexual Behaviour – Understand your position on different issues related to sexual relations in adolescence
- New socio-sexual realities: non-committed relationship, use of social media to express your sexuality, sexting, sexualization of the public space
- Slander of reputation and double standards in the perceptions of girls and boys who engage in sexual behaviour
- Consent
- Dealing with social pressures and norms: from a partner, peers, parents and media, including sexually explicit material, and performance anxiety
Sexual Behaviour – Become aware of factors important to sustaining emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy
- Emotional intimacy between partners: sharing your secrets, communicating, trusting the other person, sharing activities and interests, sharing points of view, taking care of yourself and of the other person, ability to be assertive and to negotiate
Physical Education and Health
Concepts to be learned
Lifestyle Habits – Healthy lifestyle: stress prevention and management
- Types of stress and impact on daily life
Lifestyle Habits – Excessive use of multimedia technology
- Psychological effects
Help and Mutual Assistance
Acceptance of Differences
Outcome Matrices: Saskatchewan
Based on the Saskatchewan Health Education Curriculum (Grades K–9) and Wellness 10 Curriculum
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
USCK.3 Explore that who I am includes more than my physical self.
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Grown-up Who You Can Go to for Help
USCK.2 Establish behaviours that support safety of self and others (including safety at school and at home).
USCK.1 Develop basic habits to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment.
Lesson 3 – Naming Body Parts
DMK.1 Establish that being curious about health and well-being is important for developing healthy habits, establishing healthy relationships, supporting safety, and exploring “self”.
Lesson 4 – OKAY and NOT OKAY Touching
USCK.1 Develop basic habits to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment.
USCK.2 Establish behaviours that support safety of self and others (including safety at school and at home).
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
USCK.1 Develop basic habits to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment.
USCK.2 Establish behaviours that support safety of self and others (including safety at school and at home).
Lesson 6 – If Asked to Go and Your Parents Don’t Know, SHOUT NO!
USCK.1 Develop basic habits to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment.
Lesson 7 – What to Do When Lost
USCK.2 Establish behaviours that support safety of self and others (including safety at school and at home).
Grade 1
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Feelings
USC1.3 Analyze, with support, feelings and behaviours that are important for nurturing healthy relationships at school.
Lesson 2 – A Grown-up You Can Go to for Help
USC1.1 Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
USC1.4 Determine and practise safe pedestrian/street behaviours and examine related safety challenges in the community.
Lesson 3 – Boundaries — How to be Safe
USC1.1 Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
USC1.3 Analyze, with support, feelings and behaviours that are important for nurturing healthy relationships at school.
USC1.4 Determine and practise safe pedestrian/street behaviours and examine related safety challenges in the community.
Lesson 4 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
USC1.1 Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
USC1.3 Analyze, with support, feelings and behaviours that are important for nurturing healthy relationships at school.
Lesson 5 – The Buddy System
USC1.1 Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
USC1.4 Determine and practise safe pedestrian/street behaviours and examine related safety challenges in the community.
Lesson 6 – Trust Your INSTINCTS
USC1.1 Examine healthy behaviours and opportunities and begin to determine how these behaviours and opportunities may affect personal well-being.
Grade 2
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
USC2.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of how thoughts, feelings, and actions influence health and well-being.
Lesson 2 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
USC2.5 Recognize potential safety risks in community “play areas” and determine safe practices/behaviours to identify, assess, and reduce the risks.
DM2.1 Demonstrate how, why, and when to ask for help and/or advice when discovering healthy connections related to thoughts-feelings-actions, healthy snacking, effects of illness/disease, respect, safety, and diversity.
Lesson 3 – Safety Awareness
USC2.5 Recognize potential safety risks in community “play areas” and determine safe practices/behaviours to identify, assess, and reduce the risks.
Lesson 4 – The Buddy System
USC2.5 Recognize potential safety risks in community “play areas” and determine safe practices/behaviours to identify, assess, and reduce the risks.
Lesson 5 – Crossing Boundaries
USC2.4 Examine social and personal meanings of “respect” and establish ways to show respect for self, persons, living things, possessions, and the environment.
USC2.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of how thoughts, feelings, and actions influence health and well-being.
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
DM2.1 Demonstrate how, why, and when to ask for help and/or advice when discovering healthy connections related to thoughts-feelings-actions, healthy snacking, effects of illness/disease, respect, safety, and diversity.
Grade 3
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Lesson 2 – Emotions
USC3.2 Examine the spiritual dimension of the “inner self” and determine the importance of nurturing it.
Lesson 3 – Identifying a Safe Grown-up
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
USC3.4 Understand what it means to contribute to the health of self, family and home.
Lesson 4 – Personal Boundaries and Assertiveness
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Lesson 5 – Friendship
USC3.4 Understand what it means to contribute to the health of self, family and home.
Lesson 6 – KEEP and SPEAK Secrets
USC3.4 Understand what it means to contribute to the health of self, family and home.
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Lesson 7 – The Buddy System
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
USC3.5 Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Grade 4
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Lesson 2 – How We Feel and How We Act
USC4.3 Examine healthy interpersonal skills and determine strategies to effectively develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements in relationships.
Lesson 3 – Expanding the Circle of Protection Around Children
USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
USC4.6 Assess healthy stress management strategies (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, guided imagery, expressing feelings, exercising).
Lesson 4 – Friendship
USC4.3 Examine healthy interpersonal skills and determine strategies to effectively develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements in relationships.
USC4.5 Examine how identity (i.e., self-concept, self-esteem, self-determination) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others.
Lesson 5 – Common Lures
USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Lesson 6 – Home Alone
USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
USC4.3 Examine healthy interpersonal skills and determine strategies to effectively develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements in relationships.
USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Grade 5
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
USC5.5 Analyze the impact of violence and the cycle of abuse on the holistic well-being of self, family, and community.
Lesson 2 – Emotions
USC5.2 Understand the responsibilities associated with the physical, social, spiritual, and emotional changes of puberty.
USC5.7 Assess the importance of self-regulation and taking responsibility for one’s actions.
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
USC5.4 Analyze the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image.
Lesson 4 – Boundaries
USC5.6 Assess peer influence and demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or avoid potentially dangerous situations involving peer pressure (including lying, substance use, and bullying).
Lesson 5 – Friendship
USC5.4 Analyze the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image.
USC5.6 Assess peer influence and demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or avoid potentially dangerous situations involving peer pressure (including lying, substance use, and bullying).
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
USC5.5 Analyze the impact of violence and the cycle of abuse on the holistic well-being of self, family, and community.
Lesson 7 – Home Alone
USC5.6 Assess peer influence and demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or avoid potentially dangerous situations involving peer pressure (including lying, substance use, and bullying).
Lesson 8 – Online Safety
USC5.4 Analyze the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image.
USC5.7 Assess the importance of self-regulation and taking responsibility for one’s actions.
Grade 6
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Seven Root Safety Strategies
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Lesson 2 – Emotional Range
USC6.1 Analyze the factors that influence the development of personal standards and identity, and determine the impact on healthy decision making (including cultural norms, societal norms, family values, peer pressures, mass media, traditional knowledge, white privilege, legacy of colonization, and heterosexual privilege).
USC6.4 Assess and demonstrate strategies used to identify and make healthy decisions in stressful situations.
Lesson 3 – Circle of Protection
USC6.2 Appraise the importance of establishing/maintaining healthy relationships with people from diverse backgrounds who may or may not express differing values, beliefs, standards, and/or perspectives (i.e., people of various ages, cultures, socio-economic status, faiths, family structures, sexual orientations, and cognitive/physical abilities).
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Lesson 4 – Relationships
USC6.2 Appraise the importance of establishing/maintaining healthy relationships with people from diverse backgrounds who may or may not express differing values, beliefs, standards, and/or perspectives (i.e., people of various ages, cultures, socio-economic status, faiths, family structures, sexual orientations, and cognitive/physical abilities).
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Lesson 5 – Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries
USC6.1 Analyze the factors that influence the development of personal standards and identity, and determine the impact on healthy decision making (including cultural norms, societal norms, family values, peer pressures, mass media, traditional knowledge, white privilege, legacy of colonization, and heterosexual privilege).
USC6.4 Assess and demonstrate strategies used to identify and make healthy decisions in stressful situations.
Lesson 6 – Common Lures
USC6.4 Assess and demonstrate strategies used to identify and make healthy decisions in stressful situations.
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Lesson 7 – Online Safety
USC6.2 Appraise the importance of establishing/maintaining healthy relationships with people from diverse backgrounds who may or may not express differing values, beliefs, standards, and/or perspectives (i.e., people of various ages, cultures, socio-economic status, faiths, family structures, sexual orientations, and cognitive/physical abilities).
USC6.4 Assess and demonstrate strategies used to identify and make healthy decisions in stressful situations.
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Lesson 8 – Babysitters’ Safety
USC6.6 Develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and personal standards necessary for establishing and supporting safe practices and environments related to various community activities.
Grade 7
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Emotions
USC7.1 Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards (see grade 6) for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Lesson 2 – Identifying Personal Boundaries
USC7.1 Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards (see grade 6) for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
USC7.7 Investigate and express an understanding of possible discrepancies in morals (e.g., beliefs, ethics, virtues, understanding of right/wrong) that may determine and/or affect the commitment to the well-being of self, family, community, and the environment.
Lesson 3 – How to Set Personal Boundaries
USC7.1 Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards (see grade 6) for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Lesson 4 – Friendship
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Lesson 5 – Relationships
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Lesson 6 – Online Record
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Lesson 7 – Getting Out of Unhealthy Situations
USC7.1 Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards (see grade 6) for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.
USC7.4 Demonstrate a personalized and coherent understanding of the importance of nurturing harmony in relationships (with self, others, and the environment), and apply effective strategies to re/establish harmony when conflict arises.
USC7.6 Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including assertiveness skills, to effectively and skillfully manage peer pressure (e.g., alcohol and drugs, exclusionary behaviours, family expectations, academic pressures, rules/laws).
Grade 8
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson 1 – Identifying Feelings
USC8.1 Analyze and establish effective strategies of support for purposes of helping others increase health-enhancing behaviours.
Lesson 2 – How We Think, How We Feel
USC8.1 Analyze and establish effective strategies of support for purposes of helping others increase health-enhancing behaviours.
Lesson 3 – Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Personal Boundaries
USC8.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and neglect) on the well-being of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.
DM8.8 Appraise the role of "support" in making healthy decisions related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
DM8.9 Analyze the health opportunities and challenges, and establish "support others" personal goal statements, related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Lesson 4 – Dating Relationships
USC8.1 Analyze and establish effective strategies of support for purposes of helping others increase health-enhancing behaviours.
USC8.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and neglect) on the well-being of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.
USC8.7 Assess the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and decisions.
DM8.8 Appraise the role of "support" in making healthy decisions related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
DM8.9 Analyze the health opportunities and challenges, and establish "support others" personal goal statements, related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Lesson 5 – Sextortion: What Teens Need to Know
USC8.1 Analyze and establish effective strategies of support for purposes of helping others increase health-enhancing behaviours.
USC8.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and neglect) on the well-being of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.
USC8.7 Assess the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and decisions.
DM8.8 Appraise the role of "support" in making healthy decisions related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Grade 9
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
USC9.2 Analyze how the well-being of self, family, community, and the environment is enhanced by a comprehensive, community approach to safety.
USC9.4 Analyze the norms and expectations (e.g., community, cultural) associated with romantic relationships as a means to effectively plan for related health promotion.
USC9.9 Develop and demonstrate the personal insight, motivation, and skills necessary to enhance and promote sexual health and avoid health-compromising sexual attitudes and behaviours.
Grade 10
Personal Safety Program (Third Edition)
Lesson – Healthy Relationships
W1 Evaluate one’s understanding of wellness while participating in various learning opportunities that balance the dimensions of wellness (i.e., physical, psychological, social, spiritual, environmental).
W5 Assess one’s self-awareness (i.e., one’s ability to perceive own emotions and tendencies) and self-management (i.e., ability to stay flexible and positively direct personal behaviour) for the purpose of enhancing well-being of self and others.
W8 Assess how relationships (e.g., with self, peers, family, teachers, teammates, opponents, coaches, employers) influence all dimensions of wellness.
W9 Assess challenges related to community well-being and take action to address these challenges.