It is a BIG Deal
Sexual Consent
8 minutes
Test your knowledge!
1. Someone who is drunk cannot consent to having sex.
A person who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot give consent.
2. Consent is required for all sexual contact.
Remember, it’s up to you to take steps to make sure the other person is okay with what is happening.
3. If the other person doesn’t say the word “no”, it means they consent.
If you aren’t sure if someone is saying “yes”, you need to check in and ask.
4. You don’t need to get consent if you’ve made out with the person before.
Remember, consenting to one thing one time doesn’t mean the person has consented to everything, or that they consent to it happening again in the future.
5. If both people are the same age, they don’t have to get or give consent.
Even for partners of the same age, each person has to be capable of consenting at the time and not have been forced or manipulated into it.
6. A person can mean “no” with an action like turning away.
It’s important to pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues. And if you’re not sure if someone is saying “yes”, check in with them.
7. It is okay to assume the other person is consenting if that person isn’t fighting back.
Remember, each person has to explicitly let the other person know they want the sexual contact.
8. Alcohol and drugs play a significant role in sexual assaults against teens.
9. Consent is:
All of these apply when it comes to consent.
10. Most often, sexual assaults:
Sexual assaults often occur in public places or in homes, and usually by someone the victim knows.
Need to talk to someone?
Sometimes it can feel like you’re trapped with no way out. Remember, no situation is so hopeless that there’s no way out. Tell a safe adult who can help—it’s okay to talk about it.
Help for youth who have been negatively impacted by the sharing of their intimate/sexual image.
Report concerns about shared intimate images, sexual chat, and other areas involving child/youth victimization online.

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