Healthy Relationships
Spot the Red Flag Behaviour
5 minutes
Do you think you would know if someone was trying to control you? Learn from Michael about how to identify control tactics.
Test your knowledge!
Identify the type of coercion described for each question below:
1. Asking someone again and again to do something they have already said they don’t want to do.
2. Saying to someone, “If you send me a nude, then I will be in love with you forever.”
3. If someone tells a person that they will leave them if the person doesn’t do what they want.
Identify the type of coercion used in each of the following scenarios:
4. My girlfriend wants me to hang out with her every weekend. If I want to hang out with my friends without her, then she says I don’t really care about her. She says she’ll break up with me if I don’t care.
5. My boyfriend keeps bugging me to send nudes even though he knows I don’t want to.
6. My partner hinted to breaking up with me, saying I wasn’t obviously committed if I wouldn’t send a nude.
Need to talk to someone?
Sometimes it can feel like you’re trapped with no way out. Remember, no situation is so hopeless that there’s no way out. Tell a safe adult who can help—it’s okay to talk about it.
Help for youth who have been negatively impacted by the sharing of their intimate/sexual image.
Report concerns about shared intimate images, sexual chat, and other areas involving child/youth victimization online.

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